enjoying God’s furniture

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 37
Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. [Mark 2:27-28].
As I read this list of furnishings being made for the tabernacle, I think about a high school friend whose mother kept the living room immaculate.
She even had plastic on the chairs.
I once sat on it, when his mom wasn’t at home, but that was exceptional – normally it was reserved for only special company, if ever.

And this makes me think about the purpose of furniture.
The chesterfield was made for man, not man for the chesterfield.
The ark, the table, the silverware, the lampstand, the altar of incense and the anointing oil – they were made for man, not man for them.
Even though this whole chapter is just a list of temple furnishings, it’s not about the furniture.
Each one of these is a symbol, pointing people to God, to His presence, His power, His love, His mercy, His purpose.

Try not to get distracted or bored by the details, and try to enter into the meaning of each item:
— the ark: God Himself lives with His people
— the atonement cover: God has taken care of our sin, removing our guilt
— the table and silverware: God desires table fellowship with us
— the lampstand: God gives us light (hope and direction) in an otherwise dark world
— the altar of incense: God is constantly receiving our prayers
— the anointing oil: we are anointed, blessed and empowered by His Spirit.
Each one of these symbols points us towards God.

If we just rush through our reading, we will miss the meaning behind the symbols.
The same thing with taking Sabbath time, actually slowing down, resting and enjoying the peace and presence of God.
It’s not about what we don’t do (i.e. work), it’s about what we can do, we can experience God!
So take time to reflect on each item in this list, and ask God to impress on your heart the deeper meaning behind each symbol.

Lord, help me to slow down and read prayerfully. And help me to appreciate the meaning behind the words and symbols in the bible.

One Comment

  1. This chapter describes the making the furniture of the ark. The furniture represented emblems of acceptable service as described above. The exactness with which the workman worked should also be an example for me, seeking the guidance of the Spirit so I may rejoice this day which the Lord has made – rejoice and be glad – in this life and the next – to live with Him forever.

    This is the day(2)
    That the lord has made(2)
    We will rejoice(2)
    And be glad in it(2)
    This is the day that the lord has made
    We will rejoice and be glad in it…
    Take and receive
    Take and receive O lord my liberty
    Take all my will my mind my memory
    Do thou direct and govern all and sway
    Do what thou wilt, command and I obey
    Only thy grace and love on me bestow
    Possessing these all riches I forego
    All things I hold and all I own are thine
    Thine was the gift to thee I all resign
    Do thou direct and govern all and sway
    Do what thou wilt, command and I obey

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