more than enough

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 36
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well [Matthew 6:33].
If we put God first, He will provide everything we need to fulfill His purpose.
The “all these things” that Jesus refers to are the daily things we think we need to survive (food, clothing, work, health).
The promise is this: God will provide us everything we need to do everything He asks of us.

The people in the wilderness could have been in miser mode.
Yes, they had left Egypt with much wealth [Exodus 12:35-36].
But now they were in the wilderness and their future was uncertain.
But God moved in their hearts, and they responded, and they gave.
And they gave.
In fact, they gave more than was expected, more than was necessary.
‘The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the LORD commanded to be done.’ [Exodus 36:5].
Imagine, Moses had to tell them to stop giving!

If only we could think like this as Jesus-followers.
Determine what it is that God is leading us to do, and determining to do it!
Then trusting that He will provide everything we need to fulfill His assignment.
Too often we first try to figure out how much resources we have, then figure out what we can do with it.
The first thing we need to do is decide what it is God is asking of us.
Then we lay this vision before the people, and trust that God will move in their hearts to provide what is needed to see that vision accomplished.

What is God’s plan for your life?
What is God’s will for your church?
Have you determined what the assignment is, and have you determined to do it.
Good, this is what it means to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.
Now present this vision before the Lord and those around you, and trust that God will provide.
If He is calling you to do it, He will provide.
It may not be what or how much you expected, but it will always be what is needed.

I have been guilty of expecting too little.
I have also experienced God raising immeasurably more than I asked or imagined.
Based on my experience, I can be confident that if God is calling me to something,
He will provide what I need.
In fact, I can even expect that more will come in.
Imagine what it will be like to have to deal with a surplus!
‘Keep your gifts, everyone, find other ways to honour God with them, there is more than enough!’

Lord, You do provide more than enough. I am not lacking anything I need to fulfill Your purpose. You’ve even supplied surplus. Help me to count on this!

One Comment

  1. Trust and obey.

    Just out of Egypt land. Where are we going? What about the future?

    They had a lot of wealth given freely by the Egyptians and they gave freely to the building of the tabernacle. They gave so freely that they were asked to stop giving. Wow!

    And the description of the tabernacle – detailed and beautiful – God’s place among he people.

    And so today I need to be like the people of Israel – although I do not know the happenings of the day – all is in His hands AND all that I have is His. Freely give of time and talents and treasures. All for Jesus and His Kingdom. He has given me more than I need – everlasting life.

    All glory, laud and honor,
    To Thee, Redeemer, King,
    To Whom the lips of children
    Made sweet hosannas ring.

    Thou art the King of Israel,
    Thou David’s royal Son,
    Who in the Lord’s Name comest,
    The King and Blessèd One.


    The company of angels
    Are praising Thee on High,
    And mortal men and all things
    Created make reply.


    The people of the Hebrews
    With palms before Thee went;
    Our prayer and praise and anthems
    Before Thee we present.


    To Thee, before Thy passion,
    They sang their hymns of praise;
    To Thee, now high exalted,
    Our melody we raise.


    Thou didst accept their praises;
    Accept the prayers we bring,
    Who in all good delightest,
    Thou good and gracious King.

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