they’ve been with Jesus

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 34
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. [Matthew 28:16-17].
What an amazing moment this must have been for the disciples to see the resurrected Jesus.
We can forgive them for doubting, because it just doesn’t happen.
And we can understand that they worshiped Him – what else do you do with someone who was dead, and came back to life.
This was a huge God-moment for them.

Similarly with Moses.
What exactly he saw on the mountain when God passed by Him and revealed His glorious backside, we will never know.
But we do know that He was changed, he glowed!
The people knew that he had been with God, his whole appearance was changed.

Similarly with the disciples.
How else do we explain that these otherwise frightened, doubting, bumbling, uneducated, mixed-bag group of people became powerful missionaries for Jesus, willing to die for Him?
They saw the glory of the resurrected Jesus, and their lives glowed.
The Jewish religious leaders recognized this [Acts 4:13].
Paul reaffirmed this in his teaching [2 Corinthians 3:13-18].

On both mountains, God gives His instructions (again) to Moses, and to the disciples.
Both of these experiences are like a recommissioning, and sending forth in the power and purpose of God.
All authority over all the nations belongs to God.
Go among the nations and make them disciples, teach them to obey.
And God will be with us, to the very end!

God reviews the old covenant laws with Moses.
Jesus teaches the disciples about everything He has taught them, the new covenant law of love.
God tells Moses to not be changed by the surrounding nations.
Jesus tells the disciples to go and change the surrounding nations (making them disciples).

This task is impossible unless we have first spent time with God through Jesus, and glow with His grace and love and power.
Unless we have encountered the living Jesus, all our efforts will amount to little.
May people be astonished when they see the change in us, take note that we have been with Jesus [Acts 4:13].

Lord, come to me, be with me, and make me glow with You. May people see Your reflection in me, and become Your disciples!

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