tenting with God

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 25
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. [John 1:14]
The actual word for “his dwelling among us” is ‘tabernacled’.
The tabernacle was a symbol of God living among us.
Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of God living with us.
“The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood” [John 1:14, The Message].

Because “the eye made blind by sin Thy glory may not see”, God reveals Himself for us in symbols (tabernacles, sacrifices, priests, prophets, kings, etc.), but ultimately in Jesus.
He is the true bread of life (which the Table with the Bread of the Presence represented); He is the light of the world (which the lampstand represented).
He is God with us (which is the root meaning of the name Immanuel).

The ark of the covenant (or the mercy seat) was the meeting place between God and sinful humanity.
The angels (cherubim) bow towards this seat, but there is no statue for God on it.
He is the invisible, unapproachable God that is symbolically enthroned on the mercy seat.
It was hidden in the most holy room in the tabernacle, hidden behind a curtain.
No one but the priest could approach this throne, and that only once a year.

But Jesus, Who fulfills every old testament symbol (the priest, the tabernacle, the altar, the sacrifice, the lamb, the blood, etc.) removes the barrier between God and us through His sacrificial death.
The curtain is now torn down [Matthew 27:50-51].
We may relate to God directly, personally, lovingly, with Jesus.
Gone is the frightening, cowering before God at a distance.
Now, through Jesus, full of grace and truth, we may approach God boldly [Hebrews 10:19-22].
This doesn’t mean that God is not worthy of our healthy fear and respect.
But it does mean that fear of death, judgment, unworthiness, etc. no longer define our relationship with God.
The mercy seat has worked! We now may sit with God together, and enjoy and honour Him as our Father.

What kind of relationship do you have with God?
One of fear and judgment, or one of grace and truth.
Jesus has made it possible to have a relationship of grace and truth.
Why not join Him with God in the mercy seat!

Lord, thank You for making it possible for me to relate to God personally, without terror or fear of judgment.

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