the law fulfilled

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 22
I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. [Matthew 5:18]
Jesus fulfills the law. He brings it to its proper conclusion. He satisfies it’s demands.
He represents all that it is pointing to. He brings us into the new era.
In His words on the cross, He declares, it is accomplished!

In this seemingly random collection of laws, Moses addresses issues related to life in a messed up world: crime, violence, cheating, immorality. We need to remember that such laws are only necessary because this world is messed up.
These are not eternal laws, they have no place in the original creation or in the new creation.
But because our world is messed up, the eternal law of love needs to be extended and applied to unloving situations.

At this point in God’s plan of salvation, the law of restitution is established.
An eye for an eye, etc.
But this is not the ultimate goal, for if it was, no one could survive.
It was a temporary measure put in place to restrain sin until the promised messiah would come to establish mercy [Galatians 3:19-25].
Through Jesus, this law of restitution no longer applies [Matthew 5:38-48].
He fulfills the penalty of the law (i.e. restitution) by dying on the cross, and now we live by grace, not by law.
It is accomplished!

There are specific laws that convey good principles for living today, as we still live in a messed up world.
But these laws are culture-specific, and cannot be simply applied today (the only penalty for me today if I seduce a virgin is to pay the bride price and marry her???).
In comparison to other cultures, these laws were very advanced.
But they were a temporary measure put in place until the messiah came – and He has come.

My suggestion, read these laws with great care, and do not quickly apply them unless they have clear support from the life and teaching of Jesus.
We can learn from these specific laws, but we are not under them.

Lord, thank You for paying the price of restitution for me. Thank You that I am not under the law. Help me to live according to Your Law of Love.

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