SCRIPTURE: Galatians 5:16-26
The key is to live by the Spirit, not by the sinful nature, nor by the law. To be LED by the Spirit means to look for His leading, listen for His voice, follow His promptings. It takes training and practice to do this, it is a discipline. The Spirit will not lead to immorality – we sense this deep within. He always motivates towards loving, gracious, generous behaviours. We can discern which ‘spirit’ we are following based on the fruit of our behaviours.
I need to start again today, to listen for Your voice, Your leading. It is hard work, I am easily distracted. To actually stop and discern, ‘what do I sense Your Spirit saying about this?’ It is not complicated, I usually know what the Spirit would say, I feel it deep in my spirit. But I have to discipline myself (ie keep in step with, like soldiers marching). If I don’t attempt to do this, I cannot blame anyone but myself. I choose today to be led by Your Spirit.
Lord, my spirit is willing but my flesh is week. Help me today to keep on asking Your direction in what I am doing, how I am responding. May I be led by Your Spirit today. Amen.