everything we need to succeed

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 25
(Read my reflection from 2008)
To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. [Matthew 25:15]
Jesus compares us to servants of a wealthy benefactor (God) who entrusts us with amazing wealth and opportunity, and everything we need to succeed.
He even assigns these gifts according to our ability, so there really is no excuse.
He has set us up for success.
What happens in this story is His way of challenging us to think through all that God has done for us, and all that He has provided us, and then to consider our response.
What are the ‘bags of gold’ that God has entrusted to you, and what are you doing with them?

For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. [Matthew 25:29]
In this store, everyone has (receives) something, and yet not everyone really has (embraces) it.
The first two men not only receive it, they embrace it and work with it.
And in the end, they receive even more.
But the man who refuses to receive and embrace the free gift, loses it.
We have also received much, yet do we embrace it, do we work with it?
So many gifts, so many opportunities, so many resources, so many supports…
Unlike this story, I find that often it is the wealthy in this world who do not truly embrace God’s blessings, but waste them, while the poor in this world seem to appreciate the little they have.

And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ [Matthew 25:30]
Why is the punishment so extreme?
Think of a room with ten people, and God entrusts 3 of them with abundant gold to feed and bless everyone, and 2 of them do while one of them does nothing, does not care for those without?
The end of this chapter shows that what God wants us to do with our resources is bless others in need, and doing nothing is nothing short of callous disregard, lack of compassion, selfishness, cruelty.
In context, this story shows us how God wants us to use (invest) His blessings.
Those who do not invest them for God, for others, for good, will lose them.
More than that, they will lose the free gift of life that God gave to them.

You might say, this life a test, to see what we do with all that God gives us.

Lord, this is a test. We will have no excuse when the test is finally done, and you grade us. You graced us with all that we need to succeed. But have we embraced Your grace?

One Comment

  1. Readiness.


    What’s my purpose?

    The virgins were waiting for the bridegroom. The servants were waiting for their master’s return. But in their waiting they were working. The extra oil, using the talents. The Master may come at any time. I must be prepared – the extra oil, the use of the talents.

    I am His and He is mine and so how am I prepared? How do I use my talents for His service? I too have been invited and I too have received gifts for service and . . . am I busy using them for His service? All for Jesus just as I am. A kingdom worker at all times for I also do not know when the Master will return and return He will. Will I be found ready or wanting?

    Today is a new day and once again I go forward by His grace and power and leading doing what I enjoy in serving Him. I am on a journey that has started but will never end – serving Him in all I do and say – living for Jesus today and all my tomorrows. I praise Him today and all my tomorrows.

    Lord, keep me burning for You always.

    Give me oil in my lamp
    Keep me burning
    Give me oil in my lamp I pray,
    Give me oil in my lamp.
    Keep me burning, burning, burning
    Keep me burning till the break of the day

    Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna,
    Sing Hosanna to the King of Kings,
    Sing Hosanna, Sing Hosanna,
    Sing Hosanna to the King.

    …..Give me love in my heart, keep me serving

    …..Give me faith in my heart, keep me trusting

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