am I ready?

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24
(Read my reflection from 2008)
For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. [Matthew 24:21]
I am thinking about how severe this distress must be, if it is unequaled throughout history.
As a history major, I know that there have been some extremely horrific events.
People all over the world still suffer in shocking and disturbing ways, and have through history.
When someone says to me that the world is getting so bad, the end must near, I always think (and sometimes say), ‘you don’t know history.
Let’s just say that if those final days will be the worst of all, then I don’t want to be there.

If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. [Matthew 24:22]
I take a little comfort from these words, since it assures me if I am there, He will help me.
God helps those who need it, who find themselves in these hard places.
This doesn’t mean that we won’t suffer – God’s people have always suffered with everyone else – but God will carry and lead them through it.
He will ‘shorten’ the distress, somehow make it bearable, somehow bring them through it quicker.
For some this might involve extra strength to endure, for others it might mean death.
Either way, when the end comes, they will be welcomed ans embraced, the battle done.

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. [Matthew 24:44]
Will it happen to me, in my time?
Jesus suggests that we can sense it’s imminence, and yet not know its precise date.
Those who predict precise dates need to hear these words, ‘when you do not expect him.’
But we should not be lulled into thinking He is not coming in our time, because He will come ‘when you do not expect Him.’
Which is why we must be ready.

Am I ready?

Lord, I believe that You are coming, but I do not act like it. I’ve grown comfortable in this world. Help me not to panic, but to prepare, to live as if Your return could be today!

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