God’s heart and mine

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 18
(Read my reflection from 2008)
What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. [Matthew 18:12-13]
Today’s reading reveals the heart of God.
God loves all people, without distinction, but He has a special place in His heart for those who are bullied, and a special anger for those who do the bullying.
People who strive for position over others [vv.1-5] or those who cause little ones to stumble [6-9], live in conflict with God’s heart.
God eagerly seeks and cares for the least and the lost [vv.10-14], He eagerly desires that we strive for reconciliation, agreement and fellowship [vv.15-20], and that we forgive each other from the heart [vv.21-35]

Can you see the picture of God – and of Himself – that Jesus paints?
A God who earnestly loves the lost and the least, Who does all that He can to lift them up and to resist and bring down those who harass them!
Jesus Himself is God with us, seeking us and loving us and forgiving us and restoring us.
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost [Luke 19:10].
This is God’s heart, and it ought to be the heart of those who love God.

Yet human nature is about striving for self rather than serving the least.
We seem to be pre-programmed to look out for #1.
We will serve others, but only after we have made certain that we are OK.
God’s driving passion is about helping and healing and restoring others… is it ours?
The last section about forgiveness is especially convicting.
It highlights HOW MUCH we have been forgiven by God, and contrasts other’s sins against us as trivial (compare the debts in the parable).

Think of every person you know who is somehow estranged from God or you.
The lost people that we live around, without hardly noticing them.
The people who have wronged us, that we are holding a grudge against.
The people that we have stepped over to get what we wanted.
The hurting people around us that we are too busy to spend time with.
The people we are most likely to overlook and neglect are the very ones that God has a special place in His heart for.

Did you notice this part?
He is happier about one ‘little one’ being restored or forgiven or loved, than about the 99 already saved people attending church with us.
God’s priority is the ‘little ones’; is that my priority?
God’s priority is the ‘lost ones’; is this our church’s priority?

Lord, impress Your heart on mine. Break my heart with the things that break Yours!

One Comment

  1. Take the low road.

    All too often we/I think that the world rotates about us. God is in control and we need to live His love each day. One way that I can live that love is when others transgress against me. How do I deal with that? Talk about it? Gossip? Take it to the Lord in prayer? Or go to those who wronged me. The wrong oft seems so strong, but deal with it with God and the individual. That’s living as a Christ follower. Living the Word.

    This passage emphasizes forgiveness. How big of a heart do I have? How often do I forgive? What do I forgive? God’s ‘justice’ system is totally different than the world’s. How do I fit in? Get even? Gossip? Pay back? It’s OK? Forgive?

    It doesn’t make sense but God says forgive. Forgive as He has forgiven us. That’s where my heart needs to be – HeartLine – living His Way and not my way. Where’s my heart today? Who is boss? God is in charge and I need to live that each day. He is in the driver’s seat, not I. That must be evident by my life style. I need to live for the King this day in all I do and say. Emmanuel. God is with us always. Bind that thought upon my heart today and every today. Thanks be to God for His present – Jesus Christ who helps me along the way.

    A man all wrapped up in himself makes a small present 🙂

    A man wrapped up in Christ makes an everlasting presence.

    Lead me lord, lead me lord!
    By the light of truth
    To seek and to find the narrow way…
    Be my way, be my truth, be my light O lord!
    And lead me Lord today…

    Blessed are the poor in spirit longing for their lord,
    For god’s coming kingdom shall be theirs
    Blessed are the sorrowing for they shall be consoled
    And God’s coming kingdom shall be theirs.
    Blessed are the merciful for the mercy shall be theirs
    And the pure in heart shall see their God
    Blest are they whose hunger only holiness can fill
    For I say they shall be satisfied

    Blest are they who through their lifetimes sow the seeds of peace
    All will call them children of the Lord
    Blest are you, though persecuted in your holy life
    For in Heaven great is your reward.

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