
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 15
(Read my reflection from 2008)
He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said. He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. [Matthew 14:24-28]
Yesterday I reflected on the compassion of Jesus.
Today I am wrestling with how Jesus speaks to His disciples [“are you still so dull?”, Matthew 15:16] and how He relates to this Canaanite woman.
He does not sound compassionate here (I can just imagine how people like Richard Dawkins would portray Jesus based on this).

I want to face this, though to be honest I really do not know what to say.
Part of the answer depends on where we place our emphasis.
Do the many examples of Jesus’ kindness and compassion help shape and temper this scene; or does this scene force us to rethink the ‘kind Jesus’ picture?
I do believe that we need to approach this with an attitude of trust, and not suspicion.
Not only for Jesus, but when we deal with anyone who says or does something that seems harsh, unfair or unkind.
It’s called giving people the benefit of the doubt.

The one thing that is missing of course is the tone of voice, or the look on His face.
How did the disciples or the Canaanite woman experience Jesus’ words?
For the disciples, there is context of time; Jesus has been working with them day after day, teaching and demonstrating these truths.
Knowing Jesus, there is likely a gentle rebuke contained in His words.
And what I notice is how the Canaanite woman engages Jesus in conversation; she feels safe enough to question and disagree with the ‘Lord, Son of David’.
But what about the reference to dogs, isn’t this demeaning?
Maybe, but not necessarily.
Assuming the best, we need to surmise that there was something in Jesus’ response that this woman needed to hear (as a Canaanite, was He addressing her own disdain for the Jews, which were common attitudes among people at those times?).
Knowing Jesus, there is probably a gentle rebuke in these words, one that is quickly followed by an affirmation of her great faith.

How we view these ‘harsh’ statements depends on how we view Jesus.
Based on all the evidence, I cannot help but give Jesus the benefit of the doubt, and say that He must have good reason for speaking and acting as He did.
The same is true for how He works in my life; it may not be what or how I want it to be, but because it is Jesus, I trust that it is good and necessary.
In fact, I am sure that I need a number of gentle rebukes in my life, and He is the One I want them from, because I know He loves me.

Lord, make I hear and feel Your gentle rebuke where I need it. And may my faith be like this woman’s, persistent enough when the way seems hard.

One Comment

  1. Two thoughts jumped out while listening and reading this passage. (I listen and read the daily passage on Bible Gateway.)

    Christ’s followers must produce fruit – the fruit of the Spirit. Here I read about input and output. Following the ceremonial laws or not does not make a man, but rather what comes from the heart are the issues of LIFE. It is our HEARTline that determines if we are a Christ follower.

    That also is the focus when I discipline the students at school regarding the words they speak or the actions they do. Where is their heart? What is their relationship to Christ Jesus? Their actions show if they are part of the family or not. Am you part of the family of God? is the question raised? Am I? And the answer needs to be a responding YES!

    Jesus is the Bread of Life. Not only do we read about the feeding of the multitude, but even the crumbs from the table are still LIFE giving. He is LIFE giving. He speaks and it is. Just as in the beginning. Jesus is the Bread of LIFE and I need to go forward in that power also today in all I do and say. I as with the woman and with the crowd, need to lie everything at His feet and go forward from there. He gives the power and the glory and the increase. He helps me each day to live for Him because without Him I am nothing.

    Thanks be to God for His empowerment. I can do all things only by His grace, His presence in my life. PTL.

    I am the bread of life
    He who comes to me shall not hunger
    He who believes in me shall not thirst
    No one can come to me
    Unless the father beckons
    And I will raise you up(3)
    On the last day.
    The bread that I will give
    Is my flesh for the life of the world
    And if you eat of this bread
    You shall live forever(2)
    Unless you eat
    Of the flesh of the Son of Man
    And drink of his blood,
    And drink of his blood,
    You shall not have life within you.
    I am the resurrection, I am the life
    If you believe in me
    Even though you die
    You shall live forever.
    Yes, lord I believe
    That you are the Christ
    The son of God
    Who has come into the world.

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