close, but not too close?

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 26
(Read my reflection from 2008)
Then Abimelek said to Isaac, “Move away from us; you have become too powerful for us.” [Genesis 26:16]
Abimelek does not know what to do with Isaac; he is obviously blessed by God, and yet he is a threat to Abimelek’s own sense of security.
He fears Isaac, but he does not trust him.
He drives Isaac away, but he still comes to him for a treaty: Isaac asked them, “Why have you come to me, since you were hostile to me and sent me away?” [Genesis 26:27]
Abimelek knows that Isaac is close to God – and that both draws and repels him.

When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man—and told about the pigs as well. Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region. [Mark 5:15-17]
People had the same issue with Jesus, they were drawn to Him and repelled by Him.
When they saw His power, they were filled with wonder and awe, but it also scared them – they did not know what to do with Jesus.

Sad to say, many people today still feel that way.
They like many things about Jesus, but they do not trust Him.
He gets too close, our sense of security is compromised because He asks things of us that make us uncomfortable.
Many of these people consider themselves ‘christians’, but like Abimelek, want a qualified relationship with Him.
Close, but not too close.
Sometimes these people spend much of their lives ignoring God, or keeping Him in a safe place (church on Sunday), but then when issues arise, they go running to Him.
I can imagine the Lord saying the same thing to them, that Isaac said to Abimelek.
“Why have you come to me, since you were hostile to me and sent me away?” [Genesis 26:27]

It is not until we embrace the Lord, with both fear and trust, and risk our own sense of security by entrusting our lives to Him, that we experience God’s blessing.
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God [John 1:11-12].
We must receive Jesus for Who He is, even when that gets uncomfortable for us.
Do not shut down when He starts dealing with sensitive stuff in our lives, He wants to set us free from the legion of demons oppressing us.
He wants to restore us to the status of children of God, blessed like Isaac.
There is not middle ground – keeping Him close enough to get the blessing, without risking having Him come to close and jeopardizing our own interests.
God wants to give us a place (Rehoboth) in this world, but He cannot do that unless we give Him a place in our hearts and lives.
Will I receive Him today, or will I drive Him away?

Lord, as much as I can, I open my heart to You. Help me to make room for You!

One Comment

  1. Living letters. That’s what we need to be.

    Famines is but a way that the Lord speaks to His people. Famines move people and in this case, God used a famine and said stay. And Isaac listened to the Word of the Lord God and God blessed him. He became so rich that the people of the land became fearful of his power and sent him away. Afterwards they realized that Isaac was also a blessing to them and they went to him to entreat him to make a treaty because they were fearful. Wealth corrupts they may have thought and were fearful of Isaac’s power. But the king stated that Isaac was blessed by the Lord.

    Others saw the Lord through Isaac’s life. Yet Isaac did not totally trust the Lord and lied about his wife. I need to lay all at his feet. He needs to be my Lord God of my total life in all things. I need to see His blessing each day that He is the living water of my life. I am His and He is mine. But . . .

    what about my children? I need to tell HIStory also to them and so I can say ‘but as for me and my household, we will serve the living God.’ No greater happiness can be found that all walk in His SonShine. No greater grief than when the children walk in darkness.

    We are children of the King,
    And His praises we will sing,
    As we journey to our home above—
    His banner over us is love!


    Marching! Marching!
    With happy hearts we onward move;
    No foe we fear, with our Captain near—
    His banner over us is love!

    He, the glorious Son of God,
    Hath the way before us trod;
    Over every foe we’ll conqu’ror prove—
    His banner over us is love!


    Fearless in our Leader’s might,
    Strong to do and dare the right;
    We will journey to our home above—
    His banner over us is love!


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