the Lord will provide!

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 22
(Read my reflection from 2008)
Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together. [Genesis 22:8]
This is a hard story, how can God test Abraham like this; and how can Abraham be willing to do this – today we wouldn’t call this faith but fanatical extremism and abuse.
Some people can’t get past this and see God as a monster (Richard Dawkins), but this is not how I experience it – there is so much more to the story, and to God’s part in it.
Yes, I see Abraham’s amazing faith that God promised to make a great nation from his son, and would be able to keep him alive [“we will come back to you!”, Genesis 22:5].
But I also see how the Lord provides His own sacrificial lamb.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. [John 3:16]
The whole story of the bible does not support the ‘monster’ theory about God.
Unlike the gods of any other religion, we find here a God that loves, that sacrifices self, that suffers with us and even dies an accursed death.
Sin demands the ultimate penalty (symbolized every time a lamb is sacrificed), but God makes arrangements for that: He provides symbolic lambs in the OT, all pointing to the ultimate Lamb and the ultimate sacrifice for the ultimate penalty.
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! [John 1:29]

The Lord will provide, the Lord will provide!
When the Lord leads me on a difficult, confusing, disturbing path, the Lord will provide.
When I am walking through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord will provide.
When I am burdened by guilt or shame or despair, the Lord will provide.
When I am dying, and when I die, the Lord will provide.
There is a song with a refrain that I often think of: ‘God will make a way where there seems to be no way’.
This is the good news, the wonder of God’s sacrifice of His only much-loved Son.
No disrespect for Abraham’s sacrifice, for it was huge.
But greater still is the amazing love and sacrifice God and Jesus demonstrate.
A reminder to me that wherever I am in life, whatever I am going through, and no matter how bad or desperate my life becomes… the Lord will provide!
So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.” [Genesis 22:13-14]

Lord, right now I can think of situations in my life where I need Your provision. Remind me of Your love, Your sacrifice, and assure me that You will provide!


  1. “Do you trust Me?”
    God gave Abraham a wonderful gift and He does this with us too. He often calls us to completely give up what we treasure and He often also gives it back but we wont know for sure until we after the fact. God Himself gave up Jesus and received Him back – in glory! He also calls us to give up our children to Him. “Do you trust Me?” This is one of areas in which most of us struggle – to trust God completely with “our” children, yet, we are called to give them up. We are called to give up everything, especially that which we treasure. We learn more fully that God provides, when we give up the things that matter to us the most. This is God’s gift to us. We learn greater trust and reliance upon our Lord as we learn to give up everything, not knowing the outcome but learning to know and trust Him more. “Do you trust Me?” In this instance, Abraham said “Yes” but the question still remains for us, “Do you trust Me?”

  2. God provides

    Abraham walked and talked with his God. God spoke and Abraham answered. When God told him to take the family for a walk, he did. And when God told him to sacrifice his only son he went in faith, standing on the promises of God that He would provide as promised – descendants. God would show the way as He had in past.

    And the three days journey. Abraham must have pondered many thoughts in his heart, but he stayed the course. The words he spoke to his son were even prophetic – God will provide. The words to his servants were the same – we will come back to you.

    And God did provide for Abraham. He also provides for us/for me. Walk with God, always. Walk with Him in all circumstances. He provides. As the Psalmist says, God is my Shepherd – He provides – keeps me in safety even when I am walking in a dark valley – He is there. He even laid down His life for the sheep. The Lord is my Shepherd. My Provider. He will see me through all of my days.

    Jehovah Jireh, my Provider
    His grace is sufficient for me
    For me, for me!
    Jehovah Jireh, my Provider
    His grace is sufficient for me

    My God shall provide all my needs
    According to His riches in glory
    He shall give His angels charge over me
    Jehovah Jireh cares for me
    For me, for me!
    Jehovah Jireh cares for me

    Jehovah Jireh, my Provider
    His grace is sufficient for me
    For me, for me!
    Jehovah Jireh, my Provider
    His grace is sufficient for me

    My God shall provide all my needs
    According to His riches in glory
    He shall give His angels charge over me
    Jehovah Jireh cares for me
    For me, for me!
    Jehovah Jireh cares for me

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