open the door!

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 3
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. [Revealtion 3:20]
In these words to the churches, Jesus is both encouraging and challenging.
He warns them about being lukewarm, or about having only a reputation for being alive, but actually being dead.
Jesus is still speaking to His churches, His followers, urging them to stand strong, to keep their love alive, and to keep on trusting Him.
He still stands at the door of our hearts, He still knocks, He still desires to enjoy close, personal fellowship with us.
He wants me to live my life with Him, so that He can bless and help me.
He is still knocking, He is still calling… am I opening the door?

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. [John 10:27-28]
This is how we know that a person is a christian, or a Jesus follower – they listen to and obey His voice, they follow His way and do what He did.
The heart of the Jesus follower is not primarily about church attendance or being good or religious – it is about living in close, personal fellowship with Jesus.
To live like Jesus, with Jesus, for Jesus – this is what it means to be a Jesus follower.
With Jesus is an important part of this, it cannot be done apart from a personal relationship – walking and talking with Him ‘along life’s narrow way’.
As we relate to Him, and strive to live like Him and for Him, He holds us close, He keeps us secure, no one can snatch us out of His hand.

Too often, both for churches and for individual christians, we lose our first love and become lukewarm, having the appearance of religion but not the power.
Too often we slip and fall from the heart of following Jesus – having this close personal relationship with Him and doing life with Him.
Eating with Him, walking with Him, holding on to Him as He holds on to us.
Again and I ask the question: what is the Spirit of Jesus saying to me today?
He is standing at the door of my heart, He is challenging my lukewarmness, He wants to do life with me.

I am reminded of the personal mission statement I wrote out a long time ago.
“To have a close, personal relationship with Jesus, and to help others do the same.”
In the busyness of pastoring and running the church, in the day to day challenges and opportunities and distractions, I’ve forgotten this.
I need to get back on track, to sit down at the table with Jesus and enjoy fellowship with Him again…
I need to get back on track with You, I need to sit down at the table with You and enjoy fellowship with You!

Lord, I am Your sheep, You are my shepherd. You are waiting patiently for me to come back to the table, to enjoy and live my life with You. I’m opening the door!

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