He deserves so much more!

SCRIPTURE: Malachi 1
When you offer blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? When you sacrifice lame or diseased animals, is that not wrong? Try offering them to your governor! Would he be pleased with you? Would he accept you?” says the LORD Almighty. [Malachi 1:8]
Malachi exposes the empty, heartless worship of God’s people.
They made offerings, but they gave the least, not the best, to God.
God is the King of the Universe, a God that loves His people in amazing ways – and they mock Him with hollow, heartless, worthless gifts.
They wouldn’t treat human rulers like this…
They religion is but empty ritual, token actions, not worth their best!

So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, “Why don’t your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?” He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’ [Mark 7:5-7]
The religious leader are all worked up about their ritual hand washing, but Jesus exposes their defiled hearts, despite washed hands.
He challenges them for their empty rituals, while their hearts are far from God – just like Isaiah, just like Malachi.
Leads us to think about our acts of worship, our acts of service, our acts of generosity… what do they say about our hearts?
Do we worship with our whole heart, or just go through the motions?
Do we give with joy and generosity, or just make a token offering?
Do we serve people with love, or just to look good before others?

If God is really God, and Jesus is really Lord, they deserve so much more than many of us are giving Him.
I cannot speak for others, I know for myself that my response to Him, my love for Him, is weak, is distracted, is not my first and best.
Consider our love in light of His love for us, His sacrifice and commitment to us.
God is not interested in our religious duties and rituals, He wants us to love and serve and honor Him.
God doesn’t care if you go to church or donate to charities or serve on a committee or appear at community functions – if it is not coming out of your love and devotion to Him.
Today’s reading is a challenge to check our hearts.

Lord, You deserve so much more than I am presently giving You. Ignite my heart with a greater love for You.

One Comment

  1. ‘Great is the Lord – even beyond the borders of Israel.’

    How do I see the greatness of the Lord each and every day? Where do I see His presence? Better yet, how do I serve in His presence?

    God told His people how to live. Do this and live and yet the people did their own thing. And today, am I living according to His rules? Do I serve Him. Is He my Guide? Is He my All in all?

    What is my message by by lifestyle. What is my daily living saying about my Saviour? How am I being read since I am a living letter?

    Help me this day Lord to live for You in all I do and say. My my life be a sacrifice of praise – which it can be if You would but lead and guide me in Your way!

    We bring the sacrifice of praise
    Unto the house of the Lord.
    We bring the sacrifice of praise
    Unto the house of the Lord.

    And we offer up to You
    The sacrifices of thanksgiving;
    And we offer up to You
    The sacrifices of joy.

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