trusting God’s chosen one

‘On that day,’ declares the LORD Almighty, ‘I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the LORD Almighty. [Haggai 2:23]
There are three sections in today’s reading.
The first describes the lesser beauty of the new temple, and God’s promise that one day He will fully reveal His glory in His temple to all the nations.
The second describes how sin defiles our relationship with God and our success in life; only by getting right with God can we experience His blessing.
The third describes how God will choose David’s heir and place him in the highest position, with all the authority of God the King (His signet ring signifies His authority).
Each of these reveals something to us about Jesus.

While he was speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” When the voice had spoken, they found that Jesus was alone. [Luke 9:34-36]
Jesus is God’s specially chosen son of David Who fully reveals God’s glory.
He fulfills the symbolism of the temple, the priesthood, the altar, the sacrificial lamb; He removes the defilement of sin, He reveals the glory of God, He restores the kingdom of God and releases the blessing of the Spirit.
Through Jesus God shakes the heaven and the earth, and sets things straight.
This is what He is doing right now, even though we do not yet see Jesus this way.
Jesus and His kingdom remains hidden, it’s glory veiled, but it is definitely coming.
For a moment we get a glimpse of God’s glory revealed in this chosen signet ring…
Will we believe, will we listen, will be strong and obey Him?
Be strong,’ declares the LORD, ‘and work. For I am with you,’ declares the LORD Almighty. ‘My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.’ [Haggai 2:4-5]

In Haggai’s day, the people had a choice – whether or not to take God seriously, to turn away from their sin and to trust Him to establish His kingdom among them.
From a human perspective, it seemed a long shot – an unimpressive temple, a weak king, a remnant of the nation that returned to Jerusalem from the exile.
For many, it seemed preferable to focus on their own survival, and not on the temple.
We face this same choice – why invest ourselves in God’s kingdom priorities when it seems so small, so futile, so impossible.
Why devote ourselves to Jesus and His cause, will it make a difference?
For many, it seems preferable to focus on our own survival, and not on the Lord’s work..

Jesus is God’s chosen kingdom rebuilder, and He is asking us to join Him.
Will we believe, will we listen, will be strong and obey Him?
Be strong,’ declares the LORD, ‘and work. For I am with you,’ declares the LORD Almighty. ‘My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.’ [Haggai 2:4-5]

Lord, strengthen my confidence in You and in Your kingdom. Show me Your glory, and fill me with Your Spirit, that I may devote myself to You and Your work!

One Comment

  1. Our vision determines our strength. Where do we look for power. We are told in no uncertain terms, ‘Be Strong!’ He is with us and He covenanted that with His people. Do not be afraid.

    All what I have is His. Yet all too often, my unclean action corrupts all. Where’s my focus? On self and what my hands have done or on God and His good gifts to me? I need a wholey/holy heart. All for Jesus. Today God is First. And it needs to be that each day. He is our strength, our joy and our rest for He has chosen us – His children and He will equip us for all good works so that we too show His glory in our lives.

    And so today I continue to work and pray and pray and work as His kingdom builder doing what He has asked me/us to do – restoring the kingdom.

    Be strong! Be strong! Make each other strong! Our school them 🙂

    Like a Shepherd He will tend his flock
    In His arms He will gather the Lambs
    And carry them in His bosom
    He shall gently lead those with young

    Such great love He has for us
    Such great love He has for us
    Such great love He has for us

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