in His Name

SCRIPTURE: Zechariah 10
I will strengthen them in the LORD and in his name they will live securely,” declares the LORD. [Zechariah 10:12]
Zechariah is reminding God’s scattered, defeated people that He still cares for them, He will gather them together and re-establish them as a strong people!
Their strength will be in the Lord, and because of Him (or in His Name) they will be safe and secure.
“I will strengthen you, and in My name you will live securely!”
This is the promise that I take from today’s passage, for me and for all who look to the Lord for help.

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” [Matthew 18:20]
To gather “in His Name” is to gather with others who share the same hope, that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
To gather “in His Name” is to be with others who also rely on Jesus, who find strength and security in their relationship with Him.
When we gather together – whether on Sundays or other times – what unites us together is a common dependence on the Lord.
We may be scattered and spread out through the week, but every time we get together we are reminded of His promise.
“I will strengthen you, and in My name you will live securely!”

As followers of Jesus, we are like the people of Israel in Zechariah’s day.
We are scattered and spread out in the world, living among the many who do not believe in Jesus, and maybe even who ridicule those who do.
We go to work or school, or hang out with friends or neighbours, with people who do not share our faith.
It can make it hard to believe…
But then we come together with others who share our faith, we gather with two or three others (or more) in His Name, and we are encouraged.
For at those times, He is with us, and He reminds us again:
“I will strengthen you, and in My name you will live securely!”

And the day is coming when the Lord will reestablish Himself as the visible and only Ruler of the Universe, and all people will recognize the truth.
The time is coming when we will no longer be a scattered and outnumbered minority in the world, but every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.
And at that time, everyone will know and experience the truth of this promise.
“I will strengthen you, and in My name you will live securely!”

Lord, thank You for opportunities to meet with others who share my faith and hope and love. Encourage us with Your presence, energize us with Your power!

One Comment

  1. Ask of the Lord.
    He is the Source of Life.
    Put your trust in things/idols and your will be wanderers, looking for answers, meanings, happiness, purpose, etc. It will not be found.

    The Lord will strengthen His people. The Lord will save His people. The Lord will answer His people. The Lord will redeem His people. The Lord will gather His people.

    God’s people do wander and travel through troubled seas, yet the Lord, the Lord God will gather them and strengthen them for He cares for His people.

    Today, as I travel in His presence, wherever I go, I have His promise that He will strengthen me for He is my God as He has promised. The joy of the Lord my God is my strength also throughout this day. Rejoice, the Lord is King indeed.

    Rejoice in the Lord always
    And again I say again I say
    Rejoice in the Lord always
    And again I say again I say

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