no excuse for not growing

SCRIPTURE: 2 Peter 1
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. [2 Peter 1:3-4]
God is so great and good, that He has assured us that He will enable us by His Spirit to live a victorious, godly life.
Yes, we will struggle (this world is a corrupt mess, and we are immersed in it).
But because we participate in the divine nature (i.e. are partners with God), we have all the resources we need to survive and to succeed the battle.
This is the amazing privilege and potential of the Holy Spirit.

If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. [John 14:15-17]
Those who love the Lord receive the Spirit of God.
We participate in His power, and He is our supporter (advocate), He helps us and is with us and in us.
He is the invisible presence and power of God in us Who helps us succeed in our commitment to live godly lives for Jesus!

Peter describes this as a process – starting with our faith, we add other qualities like goodness and knowledge and self control and perseverance.
These are not instantaneous changes, but ways that we grow with His help.
Because we know Jesus, His Spirit helps us; because He helps us we possess these good qualities in increasing measure.
If we do not, then something is seriously wrong.

Peter writes this to motivate and encourage believers, to remind them that what they believe is true, and that this new life is necessary.
There is no room for lazy christianity, we must be diligent and serious.
The Spirit is hard at work in us, we need to be hard at work with Him!
For if you do these things, you will never stumble, 11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. [2 Peter 1:10-11]
Does your life reflect this strong partnership with God to become more godly?
Does your life possess these qualities in increasing measure – not are you perfect, but have you increased in self-control or goodness from last year?
Is there progress, is there growth, is there change?

There is no excuse, we have everything we need through our relationship with Jesus, and through His Spirit in us.
If we are not growing, it’s not His fault.

Lord, thank You for giving Your Spirit to me, and for giving me the confidence to grow beyond beliving to godly living. Help me to be diligent in these things!

One Comment

  1. Equipped.
    That’s what we are.
    His power has given us everything we need to live for Jesus, to be His champion. Make every effort to live for Him in love in order to be productive. Christ Jesus made all this a possibility through His blood, if we but believe. Stand firm in the faith and He will guide your footsteps.

    Tell the story of His love. Be a ‘memory stone’ of all what He has done. He has equipped us. Stand up for Jesus and live for Him. We also have been given His Spirit to help us along the way. Be HeartStrong. Be GodStrong. Be the light of His Word today. Walk with the risen Saviour today and each day for He is the the wind beneath our wings. Our bright and morning star.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus! ye soldiers of the cross;
    Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss:
    From vict’ry unto vict’ry, His army shall He lead,
    Till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus! The trumpet call obey:
    Forth to the mighty conflict, in this His glorious day;
    Ye that are men now serve Him against unnumbered foes;
    Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Stand in His strength alone,
    The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own;
    Put on the gospel armor, and watching unto prayer,
    Where calls the voice of duty, be never wanting there.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus! the strife will not be long;
    This day the noise of battle, the next the victor’s song;
    To him that overcometh a crown of life shall be;
    He with the King of glory shall reign eternally.

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