wait for it

SCRIPTURE: Habakkuk 2
Has not the Lord Almighty determined that the people’s labor is only fuel for the fire, that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing? For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. [Habakkuk 2:13-14]
Habakkuk is waiting for God’s answer, and this section provides God’s answer.
Basically God says that even though He uses the wicked nation to punish His people, that nation will one day pay for their wickedness.
Yes, their power and success seems impressive or frightening, but it will be fuel for God’s fire.
For in the end, God’s glory will fill the earth, no other kingdom will match it.
The world has seen the Roman Empire, the British Empire, the Third Reich, the Soviet Bloc and the American Superpower, and God has used them all for His purposes.
But though they rise, they will also fall – and God’s kingdom will remain in the end.

(The Father) has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man. Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out–those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned. [John 5:27-29]
God is in control, and He sends His champion (Jesus the Messiah) to announce God’s kingdom rule and purpose, and to set it up.
Yes, the Roman Empire is strong, but the kingdom of God will overcome it.
Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and on earth; in other words God’s glory is covering the whole earth.
One day Jesus will judge the power and success of all the mighty empires.
And there will be a separation between the good and the evil.

We do not see God’s kingdom easily, it takes faith to believe it.
We do not see goodness enthroned.
Like Habakkuk all that we see is injustice and inequity and suffering.
But we look up beyond these things to see Jesus, sitting on the throne, using His power for His purpose, bringing things to their God-ordained conclusion.
God is on the throne, and so is His Messiah; His kingdom will come.
Wait for it.
But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.” [Habakkuk 2:20]

Lord, I hear You gently shushing me when I am complaining, calling me to be silent before Your throne. I will be silent, I will trust You.

One Comment

  1. Wait upon the Lord.

    The Lord’s happenings will come to pass. God’s timing is always the right timing. Wait upon the Lord.

    Be upright. Be righteous. Be faithful. Be knowing. Be silent. His kingdom will come.

    Man’s power comes and goes. Man trusts in his own creations, his own hands exclaiming ‘see what my hands have done?’ But it all falls by the wayside. Ii all crumbles and falls. He is wise in his own eyes and there is no life in that.

    Rejoice, the Lord is King. Bow down before Him and silently wat to hear His voice.

    The Lord reigns.

    Our God is an awesome God
    He reigns from Heaven above
    With wisdom, power, and love
    Our God is an awesome God
    Our God is an awesome God
    He reigns from Heaven above
    With wisdom, power, and love
    Our God is an awesome God

    (You’re marvelous) You’re marvelous and You’re glorious (glorious)
    Your love has made me victorious
    You took away the fear in us
    Now we praise You ’cause You have delivered us
    There ain’t no stoppin’ us (there’s no)
    Devil, there ain’t no blockin’ us (there’s no)
    Come on and clap your hands with us
    (Like this ya’ll, like that ya’ll, c’mon)

    Repeat Chorus 1

    (You’re marvelous) You’re marvelous and You’re glorious
    Your love has made me victorious
    You took away the fear in us (there’s no fear, not here, no)
    Now we praise You ’cause You have delivered us
    There ain’t no stoppin’ us
    Devil, there ain’t no blockin’ us (that’s good stuff right here)
    Come on and clap your hands with us
    (Like this ya’ll, check the switch ya’ll, right here now)
    (That’s what I’m talking about)

    (I said He reigns) He reigns
    (I said He reigns) He reigns
    (He reigns) He reigns
    (C’mon now) He reigns
    (He’s in control) He reigns
    (He’s all I know) He reigns
    He reigns (He is the one)

    Repeat Chorus 1

    Chorus 2:
    Our God is an awesome God
    He reigns from Heaven above (my God is awesome now)
    With wisdom, power, and love
    Our God is an awesome God (He’s the one in control)
    Our God is an awesome God (I know)
    He reigns from Heaven above
    With wisdom, power, and love
    Our God is an awesome God

    (I said He reigns) He reigns
    (I said He reigns) He reigns
    (He reigns) He reigns
    (I said C’mon now) Forever and ever
    (Forever and ever) He reigns
    (and ever Lord, I know) He reigns
    He reigns

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