beer and wine preaching

If a liar and deceiver comes and says, ‘I will prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer,’ that would be just the prophet for this people! [Micah 2:11]
Micah is challenging the false prophets, the ones whose message is nothing but peace and happiness.
He makes this cutting remark to expose the hypocrisy of the people, willing to listen and heed “don’t worry, be happy” messages from the preachers.
Plenty of wine and beer; is it any wonder that ministers who promise health and wealth (and whatever else the heart desires) gain a sizable following?
While those who speak of self-denial, sacrifice, generosity and grace are ridiculed or rejected, treated as enemies of God’s good news.
Who are the true and false prophets today?
Are there any who are prophesying ‘plenty of wine and beer’?

I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him. [John 5:43]
Jesus questions the religious leaders for why they accept ‘prophet’s who say what they want to hear, who agree with them, while rejecting those (including Jesus) who speak words of warning and critique.
“You’re right, of course you’re right” is exactly what we want our prophets to say.
“I’m OK, you’re OK, we’re all OK!”
“Plenty of wine and beer for everyone!”
But that is not God’s message, they are not speaking in God’s Name.

If you are not challenged by what you hear in the bible or in church, you are likely not listening to the voice of God.
If God’s message is not somehow convicting you and compelling you to both confess and to change, then it’s probably not God’s message.
If the message you hear is promising you a healthy, wealthy, happy life, then it is obviously not the message that Jesus preached.
Think about it: Jesus preached self-denial, sacrifice, generosity and grace.
Jesus spoke about turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, forgiving our enemies and blessing those that we hate.
Jesus spoke of giving up everything we have for the purpose of the kingdom, of even denying our family and friends to follow His call on our life.
This is anything but ‘plenty of wine and beer’.

It is easier to listen to messages that make us feel good.
But maybe we need to listen again to the message that challenges us, and suggests that we need to repent, to believe and to follow Jesus.

Lord, I have grow accustomed to hearing the challenge, but not acting on it. Help me to listen to words of warning that You have for me, and to respond to them.

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