the song that never ends

There are two readings for today.

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 136
Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever. [Psalm 136:26]
This psalm is a responsive reading, designed to be used when believers gather.
It makes for a great “thanksgiving litany”, and a good pattern to follow when family or friends gather for thanksgiving.
The refrain is the same – His love endures forever – but the specific reasons for giving thanks are articulated.
Imagine going around the table, or a church gathering, and everyone mentions something that they are thankful for… then everyone says ‘His love endures forever!’
It’s good to be specific, and to use repetition to bring the message deep into our heart.
His love endures forever.

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. [Matthew 26:26-27]
Jesus took the bread and gave thanks – His love endures forever.
Jesus took the cup and gave thanks – His love endures forever.
This was a part of the Passover litany, where the people of Israel remembered how God had helped them out of Egypt – His love endures forever.
But it is also a part of the new covenant meal – the Lord’s Supper – where Jesus offers Himself for our forgiveness and freedom – His love endures forever.
Even though Jesus knows that His extreme suffering is imminent, He still keeps His heart focused on God’s grace – His love endures forever.

What am I thankful for?
For forgiveness from the guilt of sin – His love endures forever.
For freedom from the power of sin – His love endures forever.
For strength for today – His love endures forever.
For hope for tomorrow – His love endures forever.
For the Spirit living in me – His love endures forever.
For my family – His love endures forever.
For peace and health and a job – His love endures forever.
For an opportunity to serve Him by blessing others – His love endures forever.
For the many God-moments experienced through Crossroads – His love endures forever.
If this became my daily refrain, at the end of every thought, would this change me?
His love endures forever!

Lord, may these words become the repeated refrain that echoes in my heart and mind every day – Your love endures forever.

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