are you singing at all?

There are two readings for today.

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 126
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. [Psalm 126:5-6]
As people go up to the temple, they sing songs that remind them of God’s goodness in the past.
This inspires them to hope for goodness and joy to come.
Yes, for the moment we are in a season of tears and sorrow, but another day is coming!
Their songs of hope sung with tears are planted like seeds, and one day they will produce songs of joy.
Are you in a season of sorrow, or a season of joy?
What kinds of songs are you singing… are you even singing at all?

Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. [John 16:20]
Jesus also warns the disciples about the season of sorrow and grief.
It is a time when those who are against us will laugh and rejoice, but it will not last.
As we go through a time of grief, remember that it will be turned to joy!
The obvious application for Jesus’ words is when He is crucified, and the disciples weep.
But Jesus’ victory over death – and the disciples joy – is a pattern for all times of trouble.
Jesus’ victory over sin, death and hell is our assurance that one day all things will be made right, and those who trust in Him will come out on top.
This is an encouragement to all people to sow seeds of hope through the tears, in anticipation that one day they will experience the harvest of joy.
Sow seeds of hope in the midst of tears; sing songs of faith to sustain you through tough times, reminding you of better days to come.

What kinds of songs are you singing… are you even singing at all?
Too often our struggles silence us, keep us from singing through the tears.
Too often we sing (or moan) of despair and defeat, and we become defeated.
The challenge for us is to reinforce the truth by singing (or speaking) words of hope, even when life is hard.
Don’t dwell on the darkness, dwell on the light, for light dispels the darkness.
Pay close attention to how you speak in your tough times.
We do not need to deny our struggles, we can name them and weep through them.
But do not end there, finish your laments with the word “but”.
But I know that God is God, that God is good, that I am in His hands, and that one day I shall rejoice with Him.
I will grieve, but my grief will turn to joy!
I sow with tears, but I will reap with songs of joy.

What kinds of songs are you singing… are you even singing at all?

Lord, may the words of my mouth inspire hope, not despair. Fill my heart with songs of hope, and one day songs of joy!

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