my confidence

There are two readings for today.

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 121
The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. [Psalm 121:7-8]
As the pilgrims climb the hill towards Jerusalem, they look around at the surrounding ‘high places’ where people would go to worship their gods.
But their hope is not in the gods of the hills (‘high places’) but in the God Who made the hills and the heavens and the earth.
They are reaffirming their confidence in God, and they state it very boldly.
He will keep them from all harm… huh?
How then do you explain all the harm suffered by those who trust in God?

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. [Matthew 10:29-31]
I have read the words of Psalm 121 on many occasions with people who were struggling, who were facing death, or who were desperate for hope.
These words, and the words of Jesus, are designed to ‘lift up’ the hearts of those who struggle, to keep them going when the road is uphill (‘song of ascents’ can mean ‘song for the uphill journey’).
Pilgrims (those on the path of following Jesus) are reminded that God loves them very much, and that nothing happens to them ‘outside your Father’s care’.
God knows what He is doing, He knows the hairs on your head, so do not be afraid.

He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. [Psalm 121:3-6]
I can appreciate that these words sound misleading, even wrong.
But we have to hear them as expressions of hope and confidence in the midst of slipping, in the experience of harm, words that direct the faith of the struggling believer to the sovereign God Who is not MIA, who is not AWOL, but is very much present and active in all the circumstances of our lives.
We believe that human sin is the cause of all suffering; but we also believe that God works through our sin for His good purpose.
The psalm says that He will not let our foot slip, while Jesus says that no sparrow (or person) falls outside of His care.
These words are read together to encourage us that we will not fall, unless God has a good purpose for our falling (like Jesus ‘falling’ in death for the salvation of the world).
God does not cause evil, but He directs our sinful choices and circumstances towards His good purpose.

As we journey towards eternity, we look to God and trust Him, confident that He cares and that nothing can happen to us outside of His good purpose.

Lord, today I choose to trust You again. I entrust my life and my challenges to You, and choose to affirm that nothing can separate me from Your love… nothing!

One Comment

  1. Where is my focus – the downward look or the upward look? It must be the upward look – from God the Creator of all! Nothing happens without His consent/His will. He is in charge. The creator God is all knowing and He watches over His people – even me. And since my name is engraven in the palm of His hand He knows of my needs. I am His and He is mine and His banner is over me. He is the wind beneath my wings.

    In all my comings and goings, I am under His watchful eye and whatever befalls upon me, it is for His purpose – living for Jesus. IGodStrong because He is always with me. SpiritStrong so that I can be ArmStrong doing His will in my Life. I am always in His presence and He watches over me always! What a Saviour!

    Always with us, always with us,
    Words of cheer, and words of love;
    Thus the risen Savior whispers,
    From His dwelling place above.

    With us when we toil in sadness,
    Sowing much, and reaping none;
    Telling us that in the future
    Golden harvests shall be won.

    With us when the storm is sweeping,
    O’er our pathway dark and drear;
    Waking hope within our bosoms,
    Stilling every anxious fear.

    With us in the lonely valley,
    When we cross the chilling stream;
    Lighting up the steps to glory
    With salvation’s radiant beam.

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