sapped and oblivious

There are two readings for today.

Their sins engulf them; they are always before me. [Hosea 7:2]
Foreigners sap his strength, but he does not realize it. His hair is sprinkled with gray, but he does not notice. [Hosea 7:9]
In this passage, as Hosea reviews their sin, he describes how sin engulfs them and saps them of their strength, yet they are oblivious to it.
This is exactly how sin works – it seductively entwines itself into our heart and mind and soul, then slowly sucks the life from us.
Think of people who are slowly sinking into addictive lifestyles, how over time their ‘freedom’ drains them of what they once were.
But they do not realize it, they do not notice.

They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?”Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. [John 8:33-34]
We have never been slaves to anyone – classic denial!
Jesus uses the analogy of slavery to describe the same thing that Hosea describes, how sin takes over one’s life (engulfs) and slowly destroys us (saps our strength).
Throughout history slavery has caged and crushed people, so that they are not free to be who God made them to be.
Throughout history sin has caged and crushed people, so that they are not free to be who God made them to be.
Everyone who sins is a slave to sin – and who is without sin?

How many people find themselves engulfed and sapped of strength?
We do what we do thinking that it will liberate and enliven us, but it does the opposite.
And we are oblivious, we do not realize it, we do not notice.
We have never been slaves to anyone!
Let’s be honest with ourselves, and with God.
What is it that is engulfing us, what attitudes or behaviours suck the life from us?
As long as we live in denial, we remain slaves.
May the Lord enable us to see it, to admit it, and to come to Him for help and freedom.

Lord, there is no doubt for me that I am not living the life that You created for me. Show me the things that engulf and enslave me, the things that sap my strength, and help me break free!

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