go and tell

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 105
Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. [Psalm 105:1-2]
As a child in school, we sometimes had what was called ‘show and tell’.
We would bring something special from home and share it with the class, telling them about why it was special to us.
Psalm 105 is something like a ‘show and tell’, where the psalmist reviews the history of the nation of Israel, and explains why it is special to him.
He is making known to everyone around him what God has done, and why His acts are wonderful.
If you had the opportunity to show and tell about God, what would you show and tell?

As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed. [Mark 5:18-20]
Understandably, this man wanted to be with Jesus, He was so impacted by what jesus had done for him.
But Jesus does not let him; rather He gives him a mission – go and tell.
Like ‘show and tell’, ‘go and tell’ is taking something that is wonderful and special to us, and making it known among the nations.
This man tells everyone about what Jesus had done for him, and everyone was amazed.

We normally think of worship as telling God how wonderful He is, but God wants us to tell others how wonderful He is.
Our mission to worship God is not so much about telling God how wonderful He is, but testifying to the nations how wonderful He is.
Yes, that includes telling God, but it also includes telling others.
If we do not tell others, we are declining His calling to ‘go and tell’.
Imagine in this man did not go to the Decapolis and tell others about what Jesus had done for him.
Jesus has given us this assignment – worship or praise the Lord in the world, go and tell, be my witnesses to the ends of the earth.

So we need to ask and answer two questions:
1) What wonderful acts can I tell others about?
2) Am I telling others about them?

Lord, in order for me to go and tell, and I need to think about the wonderful things that You have done for me. Help me to look for that something special that I can share with others for my ‘show and tell’.

One Comment

  1. This psalm reminds me of the ‘memory stones’ the children of Israel set up when they entered the Promised Land. The pile of rocks was o remind them all what the Lord God had done for them in days past. And when the children or the next generation ask what this pile of rocks mean, we once again have the opportunity to tell the wonderful deeds the Lord had accomplished for His people. See, this what the Lord our God has done for us – the miracles, the judgements, the promises, the covenant, the oath, the famine, the flood, . . .

    And what has the Lord God done for me? I need to tell the next generation – my children, my grandchildren, my students, all those who would listen or have to listen – how the Lord has worked in my life – how I came to teach, why I am in Haiti, why I am happy in my work, why no worries, why I am blessed, how the Lord has been my Guardian and Guide until this day. See what He has done.

    I must be an epistle, a living witness how God continues to work in and through His people. He isn’t finished with me yet. So continue to be my Help in all I do and say.

    1. I love to tell the story
    of unseen things above,
    of Jesus and his glory,
    of Jesus and his love.
    I love to tell the story,
    because I know ’tis true;
    it satisfies my longings
    as nothing else can do.
    I love to tell the story,
    ’twill be my theme in glory,
    to tell the old, old story
    of Jesus and his love.

    2. I love to tell the story;
    more wonderful it seems
    than all the golden fancies
    of all our golden dreams.
    I love to tell the story,
    it did so much for me;
    and that is just the reason
    I tell it now to thee.

    3. I love to tell the story;
    ’tis pleasant to repeat
    what seems, each time I tell it,
    more wonderfully sweet.
    I love to tell the story,
    for some have never heard
    the message of salvation
    from God’s own holy Word.

    4. I love to tell the story,
    for those who know it best
    seem hungering and thirsting
    to hear it like the rest.
    And when, in scenes of glory,
    I sing the new, new song,
    ’twill be the old, old story
    that I have loved so long.

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