my life’s purpose

SCRIPTURE: Ezekiel 41
And he measured the length of the inner sanctuary; it was twenty cubits, and its width was twenty cubits across the end of the main hall. He said to me, “This is the Most Holy Place.” [Ezekiel 41:4]
The man said to me, “This is the table that is before the LORD.” [Ezekiel 41:22]
Today is my birthday; I was kind of hoping for a more inspiring reading for today.
Instead it is a long, tedious list of temple dimensions…
But the words that stuck with me are “the Most Holy Place” and “the table that is set before the Lord”.
In an odd sort of way, today’s reading expresses my life calling.
A long time ago I articulated my personal mission statement as follows: “To have a close, personal relationship with the Lord, and to help others do the same.”
My focus has been on relationship, not on religion or religious symbols or rituals.
Not on the dimensions of religion (like the temple) but on the depths of relationship.

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. [John 14:23]
God wants to make His home with me, He sends Jesus to restore this relationship, to make it possible for me to fellowship with Him in His “Most Holy Presence”.
That He wants a relationship is also pictured by the table that is before Him.
The table speaks of fellowship, the relating together around a meal.
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. [Revelation 3:20].

I’ll be honest, I skimmed through today’s reading.
But through the boring details, I was reminded of God’s heart – He wants a close, personal relationship with me, to make Himself at home with me, to sit at the table and eat with me.
Imagine this, the Most Holy Being that stands behind the Universe wants to be my friend, and to enjoy fellowship with me.
Yes, this is what He wants for me, and for everyone else.
And my mission is to seek this for myself, and to help others experience it too!

Lord, thank You for bringing me back to my life’s purpose. Thanks for another year of growing in fellowship with You! May others also do the same!

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