SCRIPTURE: Acts 3:1-10
This is an amazing story, though in the context of all the other miracles attributed to Jesus and His followers, this is “just another miracle”. The huge question for me is this: Is this the way we should all work when confronted by human need? Is this a template for how things (a) should always happen? (b) should sometimes happen, if so led by the Lord? (c) will no longer happen, it was unique to the days of the early church?
I ask this question in the context of people coming to the church still today with deep spiritual, emotional, social needs, asking for money, and our deacons have a benevolence fund to give to those who “ask them for money”. My gut instinct is that the answer is (b), that it still happens, but it does not always happen this way, only as we are led by the Lord to do it this way. But this assumes that we are in the kind of relationship that will enable us to sense His leading.
Lord, I am sure that there have been times when You were prepared to work an amazing miracle through me, but that I was not open, or paying attention, or walking with You. Help me to be open to Your leading in this (and every) way, knowing that You are able to do immeasureably more than I ask or imagine. Amen.
This passage reminds me of the children’s song during the ’70’s 🙂
Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee,
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”
He went walking and leaping and praising God,
Walking and leaping and praising God,
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.
The apostles went to the temple to pray. True healing can only occur in the power and in the name of Jesus Christ. As the lame man went about praising God, so too, I need to be made whole – not in a physical way, but spiritual – my relationship to my Creator God. The joy of the Lord needs to be my strength each and every day. Others need to see that joy in me from day to day.