even seagulls!

There are two readings for today.

Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young— a place near your altar, LORD Almighty, my King and my God. [Psalm 84:3]
How important is a bird?
That depends on who you are asking – a bird-watcher (like my nephew Jotham) would say very important, while a person on the beach might see them as a problem (i.e. seagulls).
How about their Maker; is a bird worth little to God?
The Psalmist finds joy in the thought that even the birds seem to enjoy God’s temple, building nests somewhere inside, close to the altar.
He is saying that even the birds love God and His presence.

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. [Luke 12:6-7]
As for the question of worth, God cares about the planet and all its inhabitants, including animals – like the Australian Freshwater Limpet and the Kashmir Flycatcher and the Prickly Pear Island Snail.
What are they worth to us, how important are they?
Once again, it depends who you ask.
But saying that God loves the animals does not belittle how much God loves us, rather it maximizes it.
It raises the question of ‘how much more’.
If God cares that much for the birds, and delights to share His presence with them, how much more does He love us and enjoy our presence.
In fact, the God who knows all of the animals big and little, knows us down to the hair on our heads.

This psalm sings about the joy of being in God’s presence (as symbolized by the temple).
God’s presence is not tied to a sacred building, it is tied to His sacred presence, and His presence is in/with everything in this world.
In the woods, in the ocean depths, in the high mountains, in the silence of outer space; with the birds and the bees and the sharks and the zebras.
With people living in the Arctic and in Afghanistan, in Peru and Prince Edward Island, everywhere, everyone, everything, always.
God delights to be with us, do we delight to be with Him?
Everywhere and always?

Lord, Your love for me, and for all things and all people, is overwhelming. May I delight in Your presence, even as You delight in mine!

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