His shining face

There are two readings for today.

Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. [Psalm 80:3]
This refrain is repeated three times, and I like the imagery it uses, of a face shining on the petitioner.
A shining face is a positive, smiling face, the beaming look of a parent watching their child with pride.
It is the image God wanted to impress on His people, that they would always know and remember that when they looked at Him, they would sense His love..
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. [Numbers 6:24-26]

He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. [Luke 18:38-40]
When the blind man calls out to Jesus, he does not see a beaming face first of all – he feels the rebuke of Jesus’ followers.
How sad, when God wants to shine on people, His followers frown on them.
God’s shining smile is not one of naive or indifferent approval – God does not like sin, nor does He tolerate cruelty or injustice.
But ever and always, no matter how bad people get, they are His children; He loves them though He hates what they can do.
He wants to beam, and when they cry out to Him, He does what it takes so that can beam – He deals with the sin.

Jesus is the face of the invisible God, beaming on this blind man.
While everyone refused to look at him, Jesus stops and insists that the man be brought face to face with Him.
And there the blind man sees – for the first time in his life – the shining face of love and mercy.
God wants to smile on you too, to bless you and give you His peace.
As long as we look away from Him, and go our own way, we miss out.
But when we turn to Him, seek Him, cry out to Him, He looks at us with a beaming smile and affirms His love and forgiveness.
Nothing we do can separate us from His love, His shining face, so long as we come to Him in sincerity and openness and seek His mercy and love.
We may have to persist, and other people may resist us, but don’t give up.
He hears you calling, He is bringing you near, and one day you will see Him face to face.
His shining, beaming, smiling face.

Lord, though You hate sin, You love me – and everyone – and want everyone to experience Your smile. May I sense Your merciful smile today, and may I help others sense it too.

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