hope… to the bitter end

How long will the enemy mock you, God? Will the foe revile your name forever? Why do you hold back your hand, your right hand? Take it from the folds of your garment and destroy them! But God is my King from long ago; he brings salvation on the earth. [Psalm 74:10-12]
When this Psalm was written, everything was literally coming undone; Jerusalem (God’s city) was defeated, the temple (God’s house) was destroyed, and Israel (God’s children) was captured or killed.
This is the lowest of low points, really the end of all hope.
How could anyone, after all this, still say: But God is my King from long ago; he brings salvation on the earth. [Psalm 74:12]

It reminds me of another remarkable expression of faith.
While he was saying this, a ruler came and knelt before him and said, “My daughter has just died. But come and put your hand on her, and she will live.” [Matthew 9:18]
His daughter is not just sick, she is dead!
And yet this person still believes that Jesus can help, can restore.
In both passages the image of God’s hand is used:
Why do you hold back your hand, your right hand?
Put your hand on her, and she will live!

I need to be honest here; I have never been at a deathbed, or at a funeral, after death had happened, and trusted God to restore that life.
I’ve heard a few remarkable stories of it happening, but I’ve never been able to pray for it myself – death seems to be the end of all hope, humanly speaking.
Yes, I know God can raise the dead, and I believe He has, but I do not believe it will actually happen in my situations.
Maybe I should, maybe with God’s help I could, but it hasn’t come to me yet.

But the point from today’s readings for me is to never give up on God, to always hope in Him, even when we reach the end of human hope, when we reach the lowest of all low points.
Until I die, there is always hope; even after I die there is always hope.
Like the Psalmist I can cry out to God, I can express my frustration that God seems to have His hands in His cloak, doing nothing.
But I can also keep on praying, to the bitter end…
But God is my King from long ago; he brings salvation on the earth. [Psalm 74:12]
This is true, even to the point of death, and beyond.

Lord, my faith is not this strong, but it can be, because You are greater than the worse defeat, greater than death itself. Increase my faith!

One Comment

  1. The people are oppressed in this psalm. Usually oppression occurs when they have gone their own way, rather than the Lord’s way And during the oppression they call upon the Lord and recall the marvelous deeds He has done for them. And pray. Remember Your promise Oh Lord. Go not forget Your people God. Save us Lord from our affliction.

    Our God is strong to save and He will remember His promises. He will take care of His own. His own need to remember where to go with all their worries and difficulties. We need to praise His name forever. Today God is First and in all things He must be first. Help me this day Oh Lord to live for Jesus.

    Joyful news to all mankind,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    All who seek shall surely find
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    Sinners may relinquish wrong,
    Faltering hearts may now be strong;
    Sound the tidings right along,
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.

    Jesus is mighty to save,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    From the uttermost, to the uttermost,
    Mighty to save!

    Though as scarlet be the stains,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    Though as steel the binding chains,
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    His the glorious sacrifice;
    His the blood which paid the price;
    His the love doth now entice;
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.


    Fearful soul, discard thy fears,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    Seeker, haste to dry thy tears,
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    With assurance seek His face,
    Doubt no more His love and grace,
    Give Him now His rightful place,
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.


    Since His blood for thee was shed,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    Since He lives Who once was dead,
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    While in conflict we engage,
    When the storms around shall rage,
    All our earthly pilgrimage,
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.

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