there is a balm in Ajax

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 8
Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? [Jeremiah 8:22]
There is an old spiritual that says, ‘there is a balm in Gilead’.
Jeremiah is lamenting the sorry state of affairs in the land, God’s healing, helping power is not working.
The context explains why: the people from the least to the greatest have forgotten God and His will, they have fallen and refused to get up.
There’s no healing because the people are refusing it, or the source of it – God!

Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. [Mark 6:4-6]
Think of all the miracles that Jesus performed.
Imagine if you were one of the serious sick people who missed out on Jesus’ healing power because of lack of faith.
I do believe in miracles, and I also believe that God does not perform them always – when we want, how we want.
Miracles happen, not always as we expect, but it is possible to miss out on them – as is the case in today’s readings.
There was a balm in Gilead, but the people were not willing to receive it.
There was a balm in Nazareth, but the people were not willing to believe it.
There is a balm in Ajax (or wherever you live), am I willing to believe it?

I think some people err on the side of being too miracle-focused… but that is not my weakness.
I err on the side of not being open to miracles enough.
I believe it is possible that I am missing out on God’s balm for me, or my community, because I do not believe it enough.
God wants to do greater things through me than I could ever ask or imagine.
God’s heart is to set captives free, to reveal His glory and goodness by His Spirit through His willing servants.
Am I willing, will I believe it?
There is a balm in Ajax, may I seek it and share it with others!

Lord, forgive me for not believing enough. Show me what You are prepared to do in and through me, if I believe! Make me a channel of Your grace and power.

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