1. “I can’t name one impact – there are too many!” Yes, I agree.

    If I had to pick just one, I’d have to say that He has turned my life inside-out. For me the biggest impact is in how He works inside of me – encouraging me, challenging me, rebuking me, loving me, prompting me, motivating me, exposing me… He is constantly touching or pricking my heart or mind or conscience.

    When I am angry, He gently challenges the source of my anger. When I am being critical of someone, He gently reminds me that I have my own weaknesses too. When I a struggling with fear or doubt, He whispers words of hope or peace. When I am tempted, He nudges me towards the right choice. When I give in to temptation, He gently convicts me, then reminds me of grace. When wanting to give up, He stirs hope within my soul. When not sure about what to do, He points me in the right direction.

    I am on a journey, and I have a long way to go. It often seems like 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. But the best part of this journey is the interactive relationship we have together, walking on this journey together. And every time I stumble or get distracted, or try to run ahead, He patiently keeps me on the right path.

    “I am with you always, to the very end!” This is one huge impact on my life!

  2. The impact that Jesus has made on my life is that He has made me a better person. Let me clarify.
    Following Jesus ultimately means leaving the fleshly pursuits of the world behind. I can now say that I do not want to do the things that my fleah desires but want to do the things the Spirit desires, because of Jesus. He is the prime example of Godly living, the benchmark of humility and holiness. He gives me hope when I fail, and He carries me through when I falter.
    It is Him I pray to, Him who listens to my problems and Him who manages events in my life, all for His purposes. I cannot imagine my life without Him. In fact, my future depends on Him.
    My life currently would be on a different path, had it not been for Jesus. Sure, I’d love to meet Him, see Him, and talk to Him face to face. I have many questions for Him. Someday, I believe I will. Until then, I speak to him in prayer, I see Him in my dreams and look for His hand in the events of my life.
    I can’t name one impact – there are too many. If you know Jesus as your saviour, you will know that once you are saved, life takes on new meaning and will never be the same.”Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God” John 3:20-22

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