taking the long view

Look at these wicked people— enjoying a life of ease while their riches multiply. Did I keep my heart pure for nothing? Did I keep myself innocent for no reason? I get nothing but trouble all day long; every morning brings me pain. [Psalms 73:12-14]
This psalm is a classic, it expresses the heart of so many people.
Why both with God and with Jesus, when life seems to be so much better for those who don’t bother with them.
The people who are most happy in this world are the ones who make their own pleasure their #1 priority.

Then Jesus turned to his disciples and said, “God blesses you who are poor, for the Kingdom of God is yours. [Luke 6:20]
What sorrow awaits you who are rich, for you have your only happiness now. [Luke 6:24]

One of the mysterious sayings of Jesus are His ‘beatitudes’ (blessings), and here He even goes so far as to mention also their opposite side – the sorrow that awaits the rich and happy in this world.
Then I went into your sanctuary, O God, and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked. [Psalms 73:17]
The psalmist comes to see this too when he spends time reflecting on eternity, and not just on the moment.
Sure, for now they seem happy – everything going for them, anything their heart desires.
And yet – maybe Lindsay Lohan might want to speak up here – maybe they’re happy for a moment, but it doesn’t seem to last.

The reality is, short term success and happiness is nothing, if it is not rooted in eternity.
Those who take God seriously are recognizing that life is so much more than the immediate pleasure.
How many people find this out the hard way – in a moment of passion, they make a choice that has lasting consequences – short term gain, long term pain.
And don’t let appearances fool you; are the rich so happy, and the poor so miserable?
My experience is that often those that face hardship and trouble seem to have a deeper hope and strength than those for whom everything seems to be going so well.
And every day we hear of another story of a “falling star” – yes, Lindsay, our prayers are with you.
Placed upon a slippery slope… what an apt image.

Like the psalmist, there is something deeper, more solid about hope in God.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. [Psalms 73:26]
This is what Jesus is talking about too; this is what He had, and what He invites us to share with Him.

Lord, show me what true blessing is, and help me to be thankful for that! Help me take the long view of things.

One Comment

  1. I need the upward look at all times, but all to often have the downward look, looking at the the ‘successes’ of the people around me. Just as the Israelites did not keep themselves separate from their neighbours, so too the worldly things, people entice me today. The worldly pleasures, the wealth, the seemingly happiness, their toys, their pleasures of this life seem to sock us in, until we really see what living is all about. Open my eyes Lord so I may truly see and understand what it means to be Your child – a kid of the kingdom.

    Thank You that You always hold me by Your right hand and counsel me. You are my Refuge and I must continue to be Your Storyteller – proclaiming all the wonderful deeds the Lord God had accomplished in my life and in the lives of His people.

    My life is in You Lord
    My strength is in You Lord
    My hope is in You Lord
    In You, It’s in You (repeat)

    I will praise You with all of my life
    I will praise You with all of my strength
    With all of my life
    With all of my strength
    All of my hope is in You!

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