1. Thanks Samuel, great answer.
    The roots of this question for me came when someone said to me – “I believe in God (like most other people), but why should I bother about Jesus?”
    So that is an interesting twist, they do believe in God, just not Jesus.
    Your answer speaks to some of that, thanks!

  2. I once read that it is wise to bet on there being a God. If you are a gambler, then this should appeal to you. You see, probabilitywise, you are better off living you life as if there was a God. Here’s how it goes. If you assume there is no God, and it turns out that there is, there is a 100% chance you are going to hell. If you assume that there is a God and there is none, there is a 100% chnace that nothing worse will happen to you. Therefore it is wise to choose God.
    Simple, is it not? Yet it is hard to choose God, or in our present discussion, Jesus. Why?
    Here are some other reasons why it is compelling to at least believe in God and hence Jesus:
    1) let’s start with the basics. How could a complex world,like ours, come about? Certainly not e chance. Many respected scientists will attest to that, and let me not start with the probabilists. Even if the world could exsist all on its own, how do you account for humans, who are different from annimals in that we can reason and think?
    2) The Bible offers compelling evidence about the life of Jesus and God’s plan for mankind. You many ask why believe the Bible. It is one of the oldest books, that has been authored over hundreds of years with the same story consistent though it. It has survived attempts to destroy it, has changed lives over the century and has stood the test of time. Prophecies have been fulfilled and it’s facts have been checked out with science, and with archaeology. Historians know of it’s accuracy and three major wolrd religions have roots in its religious texts. In fact no other book is like it.
    3) Personal experience. You don’t hear too much of it but people who have near death experiences, including myself, have attested to the presence of Jesus or His spirit. Others know of Jesus’s help in times of need or just of His presence when they look for Him. Ask any Crist-filled believer – and billions can’t be wrong. Something is happening and it is supernatural, the God-factor, as I call it.

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