healthy work ethic

SCRIPTURE: 2 Thessalonians 3
Yet we hear that some of you are living idle lives, refusing to work and meddling in other people’s business. We command such people and urge them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and work to earn their own living. As for the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good. [2 Thessalonians 3:11-13]
So the Jewish leaders began harassing Jesus for breaking the Sabbath rules. But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.” [John 5:16-17]

What is a healthy work ethic?
Some people avoid work, and others are consumed by it.
Jesus says that both Himself and the Father are always working – is this what we should imitate?

The ability to work is a gift from God; we were created to work, but work was not why we were created.
Work itself is not the goal; working for the sake of personal advancement or selfish gain is not what God had in mind.
All that God has entrusted to us was intended for a purpose – to honour God and bless others.
Those who are consumed by work are often driven by selfish motives, and neglect God and the people in their lives.
And those who do not work also dishonour God and become a burden to those around them.

Paul stresses that we should never get tired of doing good.
This is a full-time occupation, whether we are working or resting, with people or by ourselves.
Our specific occupation is the setting in which God has placed us to honour Him and bless others.
Whatever you are doing – assembly line, teaching, computer programming, farming, etc, we are to do it for the Lord and for others.
Our particular job may not in itself be that meaningful, but how we do it can be very meaningful.
If we do our work with sincerity, diligence, integrity – and if we do it without grumbling or complaining – then God is pleased and others are impacted.
This does not just apply to when we are “at work”, it applies to how we drive, how we shop, how we socialize, etc.
For we may tire of doing work (i.e. we will need a break, a time of rest), but we should never tire of doing good.
God’s own example of working six days and resting one – and yet never resting from doing good – is a pattern for us.

What place does work have in your life?
What is your attitude to work?
Has work consumed you, or are you focused on doing good, whatever you may be doing?
Work is good; rest is good; laziness and workaholism are not!
But we should never tire of doing good, no matter what we may be doing.

Lord, help me to see everything I do, wherever I am, whoever I am with, as an opportunity to do what is good. How can I bless someone where I am right now?

One Comment

  1. JOY!

    Jesus Others Yourself!

    Never tire of doing what is right.

    Then we will have the right view of daily living in the Lord’s presence. Then truly we will be the model that others need to follow. After all, I am a Christ follower and those who imitate me will be Christ followers also.

    May we all work for our daily bread in His power so that we all may be a blessing as He has blessed us. We work in order to give away, to share what the Lord God has done for us.

    Praise God.

    Praise the Lord, the Giver of all,
    Praise the Lord, the Giver of all;
    Let His children with rapture His mercy recall,
    The bountiful Giver of all

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