where were you 9/11

Hard to believe that was 9 years ago. I was at the church office, meeting with N.S. in the old church library (which I had claimed as my office), and we were tuning into the radio hearing the reports. Later I was at Tim Horton’s (no surprise there) meeting with B.B., and I shared with her I was shaking on the inside, not believing the news. I went home early that afternoon and watch the TV reports, non-stop, for the rest of the night (and week). I remember crying, and thinking that we had just experienced a seismic historical event that would forever rock our world. I remember wondering what it all meant for us as a family, but also for the world, and the mission of the church. Our ‘bubble’ had burst, and things would never be the same…

Where were you on September 11, 2001? What went through your mind? How has your life changed because of it?


  1. I was doing home school with P at the time and we were taking a break and I turned the TV on to catch some news. I was stunned. I thought it was a movie at first. I saw the second plane crash and the buildings collapse and I could not beleive it! Later when so few survived I was so sad. I too wondered what it meant for the world. I remember talking to my sister and wanting our children closer and thinking was this the end of the world and hoping the US would not overreact and take revenge…
    Today I still remember with sadness. I know that chaos can be around any corner. i appreciate the good moments. I am thankful I walk with God. I pray for “the world” more than I did before.

  2. I was in a meeting with people from overseas at my office. We were not paying attention to anything as we had started real early. My assistant interupted with an inportant call for my visitors and it was them that told me that they were grounded and not to travel. We turned on the radio and the rest of the day was spent in amazement.
    It was interesting that our meeting was the most important thing in the world just a short time earlier and now it was so insignifigant.
    our priorities can be so messed up at times.

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