
Oh, that I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest! I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness. [Psalms 55:6-7]
In battle, the word ‘retreat’ is negative; it is seen as giving up, running away.
But in spiritual warfare, retreat is a good thing; it is a time of renewal and refreshing.
David describes his own battle, and his longing for retreat – to fly away and rest to the quiet of the wilderness.

Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. Later Simon and the others went out to find him. When they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” [Mark 1:35-37]
No doubt Jesus often felt the need to escape the crowds, the challenges and frustrations each day.
Therefore it is not surprising that He made it His daily custom to “retreat” with God, away from the crowds.

How about me, how about you?
Both David and Jesus survived these challenging times because they were rooted in God for strength, wisdom and guidance.
How am I surviving the challenges I face, how am I arming myself for each day’s battles?
The familiar phrase “quiet time” speaks to more than just reading the bible, it is actually time spent with God, being refreshed and renewed for each day.
What is the quality of my time spent with God – is it rushed, an empty ritual, a “to do” item I can check off when I am done?

Lord, remind me again today that “doing devotions” or “quiet time” is more than a thing to do, it is actually time spent with You, being refreshed and renewed in Your grace and love.

One Comment

  1. Ditto, Norm 🙂

    The early morning hours are my quiet times with the Lord. The times before the rush of the day. My escape and down time with God before the challenges and noises of the day. However, as the Psalmist also states, ‘evening, morning, and noon I cry out and He hears my voice.’ At all times I am in His presence and He will sustain me. I trust in God, my Rock, my Refuge, my Redeemer. He is my ‘bread’ also for this day that He has made. And by His power I can and will rejoice in it for He has made me glad. And so throughout the day I speak to Him. Throughout the day I also need to see His presence.

    Starting the day in fellowship with God is the only way to start. As a small child depends upon his parents for his daily needs, so I too trust on Him to be my Provider throughout this day.

    Thank You Lord for that confidence.
    Thank You Lord for that strengthening power.
    Thank You Lord for Your Spirit is here.

    You are the wind under my wings so that I am renewed each day anew. Praise the Lord. Let all within me praise His holy name. Amen and amen!

    Let all that is within me
    Cry holy(2)
    Holy,holy,holy is the lamb that was slain
    Glory,….to the lambthat was slain

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