struggling faith

But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last. And after my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought! [Job 19:25-27]
Just as I am about to give up finding something hopeful in this passage, Job comes out with this amazing testimony.
Job has not given up hope, he clings desperately to God as His Redeemer, even after all that he feels God has done to him.
These words are a powerful expression of hope through despair, of desperate faith.
I would not say that Job is a model example of faith and hope, but he is a real example of the struggle and tenacity of faith and hope in God.
Believers are not people who have it all figured out, who never struggle or complain or get confused.
Believers are people who do struggle, who do mourn, who do question and wrestle with God… but they refuse to let go.

God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth. God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God. [Matthew 5:3-8]
Jesus describes Job perfectly here, someone who struggles yet does not let go.
I can relate to this part, to the many questions, doubts and struggles in my faith and hope.
Believing in and following Jesus has not made my life easier; and yet I refuse to let go.

Sometimes christians convey the idea that those who have faith do not struggle with life.
The phrase the “victorious christian life” has been used to suggest that it is possible to reach a place in this life where we have overcome our struggles, with sin and with doubt.
And I have met a few people that seemed, on the surface at least, to be walking very close to God, with a deep peace and joy that made me jealous.
But I have also met many more who acted as if they were living this “victorious christian life” and yet there was a shadow side to their character, their way of treating others, or their definition of that life.

More and more I am convinced that the life of faith and hope is one that is hard, one that does battle with the stuff and hardship of life in a twisted, messed up world.
What Jesus describes in the sermon on the mount (quoted above), and what Job expresses in our reading today, this seems to me what the life of faith and hope in this world will be like.
Some may ask why we persist if it is so hard; but is it any easier to give up on God?
The hopelessness, the pointlessness, the uncertainty of life WITHOUT GOD does not make it easier – even when we bury our struggles in denial and distraction.
No, despite the struggle of life in this twisted, messed up world, its still better with God than without Him!
And one day I will see my Redeemer with my own eyes; one day He will work out all things for good!
Until then, I wrestle like Jacob but refuse to let go [Genesis 32:22-32].

Lord, as I’ve written this, my own struggle of faith has become clearer to me. Trying to follow You is very hard; and trying to do it with others (i.e. in the church) is even harder. But today again I renew my commitment to press on! I know that my Redeemer lives! Yes, I will see You with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought!


  1. I am reminded of the passage of the strand of three cords are not easily broken. God is always there, but Job’s friend is not really there to pick him up. And yet that is what friends are for should one stumble.

    Job is alone. Even his presence to his wife is not welcomed. One trial after another. When will it end?

    But then come the enlightening words – I know my Redeemer lives and I will see Him. In all of my doubts and temptations, in all of my struggles I must realize whatever comes on my journey of light/hope/life, I am His and He is mine. Pilgrim’s progress. Being GodStrong. Then I can be ArmStrong to be His vessel in service to Him.

    Help me Lord on my Way today to walk with You and talk with You along the path today with the assurance that You continue to encourage, guide, strengthen me alone the way.

    Jesus My Redeemer!

  2. Yes:
    “But as for me I know that my Redeemer lives!”
    that is what it is all about.
    Trusting Him
    Going back to Him
    Seeking Him
    we twist and turn this way and that, we suffer, we laugh, we discover, we be selfish, we fall, we get up,
    we discover that life is messy but everytime we come back to:
    “my Redeemer lives!
    and I accept Him and the mess and that it okay.

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