a theological question

I received an email from a friend, looking for feedback on a particular belief that they are uncertain about. They need to know if what they are thinking is biblically (theologically) true. Here is the what they wrote me:

I have a theological question. I think this is true, is it? It is a serious issue for me I would like your comment.

I said to God today: “Okay I accept. I accept that whatever comes my way, or has come my way comes via You. You allow, permit, let happen what happens to me. You do stop things, change things, send things…. what comes is what you have allowed.
You are wise and the Ruler of the universe and all knowing the past, present and future. You have the Plan. You want the best for me and You love me all the time.
You do not want me to suffer, You cried when I cried, but You still allowed it.
I am your child and I do not understand why some things but I accept that You know and that is enough for me.
I want to be able to totally trust You and for that I need to accept this.”


  1. This is true … I am a poor student … unfortunately I learn more through the painful circumstances thank the bright ones. The bright circumstances are blessings, don’t get me wrong and they refresh and give me hope but it is the paintful circumstances that make me strong and build character and show character.

  2. Is this true or not – my answer is Yes!
    I am going to limit myself to the words of Jesus but because for me, Jesus’ teaching stands at the center of the rest of the bible, the best revelation of God.

    Jesus makes it clear that all authority and control belongs to God, and He assigns it according to His purpose: Jesus said (to Pilate), “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above. [John 19:11]
    God controls the universe, He cares for every detail – for things and for people: And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. [Matthew 6:30]
    His care and control extend to the most minute detail of our lives: And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. [Luke 12:7]
    No one has control or power over us, outside of God’s control and power: No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand. [John 10:28-29]
    Things will not be easy in this world; in fact they are destined to get harder. But the Lord determines their strength and length, for the sake of His much-loved ones: In fact, unless the Lord shortens that time of calamity, not a single person will survive. But for the sake of his chosen ones he has shortened those days. [Mark 13:20]
    The clear message of Jesus is that God controls and that God cares.

    Now for some this is tough to swallow – if God cares, why doesn’t He stop bad things from happening?
    The only answer that ultimately makes sense is that there is a reason – unknown to us – that makes whatever He allows the best possible option.
    Anything else would be less than the best, for us and for others.
    One day we may get a glimpse to all that God accomplished through us – even through the minute details.
    One day we may meet all the people that God impacted through us – even through the painful stuff.

    As I see it, humanity collectively is the source and cause of all that is wrong in this world – not God.
    But God has not surrendered this world to our destructive control!
    He works through our choices, our mistakes, our cruelty, yet directs them for His good purpose.
    Somehow He works through good and evil for His own glory and for our good.
    Those that admit their need for God’s help and forgiveness will one day discover the joy of His good purpose.

    Those that surrender to His sovereign power and goodness will one day experience the blessing of His control.

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