the difference hope makes

Can the dead live again? If so, this would give me hope through all my years of struggle, and I would eagerly await the release of death. [Job 14:14]
But instead, as mountains fall and crumble and as rocks fall from a cliff, as water wears away the stones and floods wash away the soil, so you destroy people’s hope. [Job 14:18-19]

Here Job speaks about the difference hope makes: if he had hope, he could endure the years of struggle.
If he had hope in life after death, then he could eagerly await the release of death.
But at this point, Job does not have hope; at this stage of his journey he is convinced that God, though all-powerful, is unfairly oppressing him.

Does hope make a difference for people who are suffering? Does it for you?
Think of the “Negro” spirituals, songs written by slaves enduring horrific cruelty, how they “eagerly await the release of death” – swing low, sweet chariot, coming for to carry me home!
Their life on earth was terrible, but they sang with hope for the day when death would release them.

Beams of heaven, as I go, through this wilderness below
Guide my feet in peaceful ways turn my midnights into days
When in the darkness I would grope faith always sees a star of hope
And soon from all life’s grief and danger I shall be free some day.
I don’t know how long ’twill be nor for what the future olds for me
But this I know, if Jesus leads me I shall get a home some day.

Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?” [John 11:25-26]
Jesus is encouraging us to put our hope in Him, to trust that no matter what happens here we will not be defeated!
Jesus, Who represents God, is about resurrection and life – He is a hope-giver, not a hope-destroyer.
Here Jesus strikes a balance between the reality of death, and the victory over death.
Anyone who believes in Jesus will live, even after dying; in other words, death remains but it is not the end, it is the entry to life eternal.
In this way, everyone who lives and believes in Jesus really does not die – they are just transferred from this life to the next.
This was the hope the of slaves, and of many others who have endured hardship through this life.

As we shall see, Job does not lose all hope.
But his hope does take a beating, and for a while he does despair, he does see God as the hope-destroyer.
Do not be surprised if you too have seasons where your hope is gone, and when God is not a comfort to you.
But in those moments, memorize and repeat the words of Jesus -whether you feel them or not.
Allow His promise – and His Spirit planting them deep within your heart – to sing like the slaves:
I don’t know how long ’twill be nor for what the future olds for me
But this I know, if Jesus leads me I shall get a home some day.


Lord, thank You for the amazing faith and hope of the African slaves, who endured unbelievable misery yet looked up and forward in hope. Help me to do the same!

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