a stream that never fails

My brothers, you have proved as unreliable as a seasonal brook that overflows its banks in the spring when it is swollen with ice and melting snow. But when the hot weather arrives, the water disappears. The brook vanishes in the heat. [Job 6:15-17]
Have you ever been let down by your friends?
People you looked to for support did not show up, or said things that only made things worse?
Job’s misery is made worse by the heartless accusations of his friends.
He describes them as an unreliable brook – sometimes overflowing and sometimes dry.
The sad reality is that people – even those you are close to – will let you down; and you will let others down.
We are not God, we cannot perfectly meet the needs of others, nor can they meet our needs.

Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” [John 4:13-14]
Jesus is the perfect friend, the one that will never let you down.
Where others fail to understand, or speak from their limitations, He does understand, He has no limitations.
He is the source of a stream that is reliable, that endures through all seasons of life.
Through our close relationship with Jesus, His Spirit satisfies the deepest places within our soul.
As we share our heart with Him, our joys and sorrows and struggles, His Spirit encourages and strengthens.
Yes, our friends can be a source of encouragement and strength, but don’t be surprised when they let you down.
Be honest, and admit that you also let people down too, maybe not in the same way, but still you do – we all do.
Only One will not let you down – drink from Him and you will never be thirsty again.

What this means practically is that the most important place you need to go for support and strength is Jesus.
Talk with Him, share your heart with Him, be quiet with Him and savour His love and acceptance.
Listen for His encouragement, watch for the things He is doing around you.
Maybe He will provide a new “seasonal brook”, a different person to encourage you.
They too will be limited, but they will help in unique ways, as Jesus leads them.

What this also means is that you need to remember that you are also a “seasonal brook” to others.
You cannot be the perfect source for their strength and encouragement.
You need to point people to Jesus too, to rely on His Spirit, to relate personally with Him.

Lord, people have let me down, and I have let people down. But You never let me down. Help me to drink from You every day, to stay close to You for encouragement and strength. Be that bubbling stream to me that never fails!

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