good taste?

SCRIPTURE: Colossians 4
Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. [Colossians 4:5-6]
What kind of seasoning does your life add to others?
Paul’s actually says “gracious and seasoned with salt”, and means that our words (and lives) would be a positive blessing to others, a sample of God’s love and goodness.
This requires intentionality – we need to think about how we will live and speak among others, using every opportunity God provides to draw people to Him.
Sadly, many christians do not live intentionally like this; they do not prepare each with prayer, they do not pay attention to the things going on around them, looking for the opportunities God provides.
This is my personal experience…

You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavour? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. [Matthew 5:13]
This is our identity, our purpose – if we fail to live according to our purpose, then what use are we?
Like a car that will not run, sitting in the driveway but going nowhere.
We were made and saved to reflect God, to mirror Him to others.
Our lips were made to add to the good taste of this world; our hands were made to bless others.
When humanity rebelled against God, our words became tasteless, our hands became destructive.
We stopped adding to the good taste of God in this world, and we became worthless.
Jesus came toe save us from this, and to restore us to our original purpose.

Both Paul and Jesus are urging us to take this calling seriously.
Choose to live wisely, make the most of every opportunity, choose to speak graciously and consciously add good taste to the world around you.
This is our identity, but it requires intentionality.
Today, in the places where I go, in the conversations I have – all of them are opportunities from God, designed for me to take advantage of for God.
Will I, or will I be like flavourless salt?

Lord, EVERY conversation, EVERY encounter I have today is an opportunity from You. I choose to make the most of each opportunity, to and do my best to be gracious and attractive to others!

One Comment

  1. ‘ . . . . . so that you know how to answer everyone.’ What a challenge. Giving evidence in the words that I speak of what I believe. Not only in words, but also in my doing. The fruit of my lips and the fruit of my hands must be rooted in Christ. Then I will truly know what is right and true. That is worship. All of life is worship. All of what I say and do will ‘speak’ of Him or . . .

    After the Quake, many said ‘Thank you for being a blessing.’ The Lord God has blessed me with His presence so that I can share Him to those around me – to be a blessing in Jesus name – making a difference where the Lord God has placed me. SonShine – letting His light shine through me. StarShine.

    Today Lord, be my ever present help so that I may continue to be Your servant blessing others by my speaking and doing since I have decided to follow Jesus. Head/heart/hands in tune to the Master who directs my ways.

    All that I am I owe to Thee,
    Thy wisdom, Lord, has fashioned me;
    I give my Maker thankful praise,
    Whose wondrous works my soul amaze.

    Ere into being I was brought,
    Thine eye did see, and in Thy thought
    My life in all its perfect plan
    Was ordered ere my days began.

    Thy thoughts, O God, how manifold,
    More precious unto me than gold!
    I muse on their infinity,
    Awaking I am still with Thee.

    The wicked Thou shalt surely slay,
    From me let sinners turn away;
    They speak against the Name divine,
    I count God’s enemies as mine.

    Search me, O God, my heart discern,
    Try me, my inmost thought to learn;
    And lead me, if in sin I stray,
    To choose the everlasting way.

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