for such a time as this

If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” [Esther 4:14]
Though Mordecai does not mention God (in fact God is nowhere mentioned in the whole book of Esther), he does indicate his confidence that somehow the Jews will be spared – deliverance and relief will come somehow.
He also reveals how he understands God to work – through the circumstance of Esther being queen.
This is not just a coincidence, there is a purpose behind these things; and perhaps it was for precisely for this time and purpose, to help the Jews in this time of peril.

Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But this is the very reason I came! Father, bring glory to your name.” Then a voice spoke from heaven, saying, “I have already brought glory to my name, and I will do so again.” [John 12:27-28]
Jesus recognizes the purpose behind His coming, and even though its hard, He submits to God’s purpose.
“For this very reason I came; bring glory to Your Name!”

Do we see our own lives and circumstances as part of a greater plan and purpose?
Do we see where and when we live, in the circumstances that we do, as part of God’s plan for bringing in His kingdom, for bringing people back to Himself, and for fulfilling a unique and necessary role in His plan?
That I am in Ajax, that we are at Bolton C. Falby, that I live in the house that I do, with the family that I have, etc.
All the circumstances of my life -even the hard and painful ones – are not just coincidence.

God has brought me to where I am for just such a time as this; God has placed you where you are for just such a time as this.
For you and for me, for Jesus and for Esther, our calling is to do what needs to be done for God’s glory and for the blessing of others.
It may not be easy, in fact it will probably mean sacrifice and possibly suffering; our souls may be deeply troubled.
But what should we pray – save us? Or bring glory to Your Name?
Thankfully Jesus did not reject His purpose, and take the easy road; thankfully He submitted Himself to the hard but good purpose of God, and not only brought glory to God, but also helped us in the process!

As a Jesus follower, I am also invited to surrender my life to His purpose.
We may not always know exactly what that purpose is, but when in doubt, just do what you know to be right.
Live morally, live with generosity and kindness, bless the people that you meet, speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves, do good, etc. – God’s purpose will become clearer as you go.
Don’t try and figure out God’s master purpose (we will never figure it out in this life); just d the right thing in each moment and circumstance, and He will take care of the rest.
He will bring glory to His Name, and He will use your contribution to do it!

Lord, help me to think of my life as a part of Your master plan. Help me not to delve into the complexities of the plan, but to focus on doing the right thing where I am, when I can.


  1. I struck by Esther.
    She sends word to Mordecai to get the Jews to fast and pray and she and her maids will fast and pray for three days.
    I had lost the signifigance of this moment because I know the outcome of the story.
    I know good wins and the Jews are saved.
    Esther doesn’t know the outcome.
    But she does do the right thing.
    Did she shriek first whrn she heard…
    Did she faint?
    Did she think of running home to her parents -obviously that wouldn’t work.
    Was this the first time she prayed and fasted or was it a regular part of her life.
    Did she feel the same way when she was chosen to go to the Kings palace. That must have been scary? Of did she want to go there? and be one of the women ….
    Did she pray and fast then?
    Did she know that God was with her?
    Or was she clutching at straws and clutched the right one?
    “Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”
    I love that verse. It has been very clear to me a few times that I was made for such a time as this.
    It is apparent to us about Esther.
    But we don’t know if she knew…

    God help me to keep on knowing that this is You who is in control and You who knew I would be here in this time and place and that I will keep on trusting You.

  2. Why are you here? Where are you going? What is the purpose of it all? What can I do about it?

    Each person is unique – a part of God’s creation. Each person has a task in His creation. Serve Him! Praise Him! And in all things live at peace with all mankind as far as it depends upon you. Do good. Be a peacemaker. Stand up for Jesus in the daily affairs of life. Be a star – reflecting His love for you to those around you. Be a living light shining for the King.

    I am created by Him for a time like this to be used for His purpose. Open my eyes Lord that I may see You in all things. Use me for Your purpose . Let your Kingdom come. And in all things, help me to do what is right.

    Help me bloom where I am planted!

    All to Jesus, I surrender,
    All to Him I freely give
    I will ever love & serve Him
    In His presence, daily live.

    I surrender all, I surrender all,
    All to Thee, my blessed Saviour, I surrender all

    All to Jesus, I surrender
    Humbly at his feet I bow,
    Worldly pleasures all forsaken
    Take me Jesus, take me now

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