in stormy times

For troubles surround me— too many to count! My sins pile up so high I can’t see my way out. They outnumber the hairs on my head. I have lost all courage. Please, Lord, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord, and help me. [Psalms 40:12-13]
The story behind this psalm is that David, who has experienced God’s amazing help in the past, is reaffirming his faith in God as he goes through a new set of troubles.
The first half of the psalm declares God’s goodness, how He helped David and gave him a new song to sing.
Imagine him sitting alone – frightened and uncertain – rehearsing in his mind and with his mouth how God has helped him in the past… and praying for God to help again!
God helped me before, I will trust Him to help me again – please help me God!

Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped. [Matthew 14:29-32]
Peter, like David is surrounded by trouble; the wind and the waves are overwhelming him and he cries out, ‘save me Lord!’
And Jesus saves him, but He also says ‘you have so little faith, why did you doubt Me?’
What Jesus means is this: you have just experienced My miracle power in allowing you to walk on the water, can’t you trust Me with the wind and the waves?
I helped you before, trust me to help you again!
Peter’s problem is that he did not focus on God’s power, but the power of the wind and the waves.
David, also facing his own “wind and waves”, chose to dwell on God’s power and protection.
As the wind and waves smash against him, he rehearses God’s goodness in the past and clings to this for hope.

We will face times of trouble, we will experience stormy winds and waves.
At those times, what we focus on, what we rehearse with our mind and our mouth, will make the difference.
To often we rehearse the problems, we dwell on the storms… instead of on the God of problems and storms.
Next time you go through a storm, pay attention to what you are thinking about most, to how you speak about it.
Notice whether your thoughts are primarily negative, despairing, hopeless.
In that time, make a choice like David, and go over again and again, out loud, how the Lord has helped you in the past; recall how He helped you “walk on water” before, and trust that He will help you again!
Next time, don’t just tell God how big your problems are; tell your problems how big your God is!

Lord, You are Lord of the storm, the wind and the waves. Forgive me for worshiping my problems over you. Help me, like David, to dwell on Your goodness, Your promise and Your purpose for me!

One Comment

  1. Thank God I came accross this! I was desperate and without hope, because I was focusing on how big by many troubles are, but I did not stop and think how big and powerful God is, yesterday as well as today and tomorrow. My troubles are still here but I feel lighter and not so doomed. I thank God for you who posted this words and May God bless you and yours! Thank you!

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