all for Jesus?

SCRIPTURE: Nehemiah 11
The leaders of the people were living in Jerusalem, the holy city. A tenth of the people from the other towns of Judah and Benjamin were chosen by sacred lots to live there, too, while the rest stayed where they were. And the people commended everyone who volunteered to resettle in Jerusalem. [Nehemiah 11:1-2]
Among those who follow Jesus, some seem to make more sacrifices than others.
Sometimes those sacrifices are made voluntarily (like those who choose to leave home and family to work in a mission field); sometimes those sacrifices are forced upon them (like those who experience persecution because of their faith).
In today’s reading, some people are chosen by lot to live in Jerusalem; others volunteer on their own.
And yet in another sense, they all volunteer; even those who are selected by the lot.
For the sake of the kingdom of Israel, for the sake of God, they volunteer themselves to live in Jerusalem.
It meant leaving their land, their families, and starting over… for the sake of the kingdom!

Then Peter said to him, “We’ve given up everything to follow you. What will we get?” Jesus replied, “I assure you that when the world is made new and the Son of Man sits upon his glorious throne, you who have been my followers will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life.[Matthew 19:27-29]
Not sure what the thought or motivation was behind Peter’s question (sounds kind of crass), but Jesus honours his request, and lets him know that his sacrifice is recognized and will be blessed.
They did give up a lot; they did take a huge risk.
Mary, Martha and Lazarus got to stay home, and still be Jesus’ friends; while the twelve disciples left home and family and occupations to follow Jesus.
The reality is, some Jesus followers make greater sacrifices than others.

For His sake, we all make a sacrifice – we all decide to surrender our lives to Him!
How that sacrifice works itself out will be different for each person.
We all must choose – if the choice is forced upon us or not – whether we will volunteer ourselves for the Lord’s kingdom purpose.
Some may make bigger or different sacrifices than me, and some may be forced to give up everything even more than I will be (I have never experienced severe persecution that others have gone through, or are going through).
Though I am thankful for this, I am not exempt from volunteering myself to the Lord’s service too, however the lot may fall in my life.
Every time I sing “Jesus, All for Jesus”, I am volunteering to accept whatever lot the Lord assigns to me, I am agreeing to leave home and family for His sake.
There is a great reward for those who volunteer this way, there will be a day of commendation!

Lord, my sacrifices seem small compared to what others make. Help me to see where I can voluntarily offer myself to You, to make the kinds of sacrifices You want me to make!


  1. There are different kinds of sacrifices that people do not know other people make.
    Like people who do not go on vacation, or buy luxouries, or new clothes …because they choose to give so much $ away.
    Like people who take the blame when it is not their fault and no one knows.
    Like people who give up lots of things they want to do to pray for hours on end.
    Like people who become foster parents or care for needy people, giving up a lot of personal time and wants to do that….
    Like accepting being looked down on for your decisions and not defending yourself.
    like holding your tongue,
    Like cleaning scuzzy places

  2. Set apart for service.

    In our reading for 2day, people were elected to stay in Jerusalem and not return to their land, their place in history, their possession. Thy Kingdom come. God places His people throughout history where He needs them and where He desire them. All we can do is say, Yes Lord.

    Why am I here? What is my purpose in life? Serve Him!

    Who am I? Where am I going? What’s wrong with this world? What am I going to do about it? These questions tell me once again that I am not my own but belong to my faithful Saviour and I must serve Him. Help me Lord in my way.

    All to Jesus, I surrender,
    All to Him I freely give
    I will ever love & serve Him
    In His presence, daily live.

    I surrender all, I surrender all,
    All to Thee, my blessed Saviour, I surrender all

    All to Jesus, I surrender
    Humbly at his feet I bow,
    Worldly pleasures all forsaken
    Take me Jesus, take me now

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