Time alone with God in prayer!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“He went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.” (Matthew 14:23)
Jesus takes time away from everyone to be with God, to pray.
He spends the whole night, to just before dawn, to do this.
I wouldn’t make a virtue of pulling an all-nighter.
But when is the last time I devoted a big part of my day to prayer?
I was raised to pray before and after meals, and when I went to bed.
The longest time spent in prayer was listening to the minister pray.
(Sometimes that felt like it took a big part of the day).
Jesus often withdrew to pray, one time for 40 days.
I also think of his going to Gethsemane to pray, just before his arrest.
Jesus comes out of this time of prayer ‘walking on water’.
He also comes from Gethsemane ready to see his way to the cross through.
Is time alone praying the key to personal strength, courage and victory?
Does seven days without such prayer truly make one weak?
Maybe Jesus can help us walk on water too, if we focus on him this way!
Lord Jesus, teach me to pray like you, so that I can step out on the water like you, with courage and strength.

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