PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 13:31-58
What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“In his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” (Matthew 13:44)
Why don’t people seem to respond with joy to the message about Jesus these days?
It feels like people groan, roll their eyes or walk away when you mention Jesus.
These parables describe Jesus as treasure or something of great value.
So why don’t people experience Jesus like this?
I fear it is because of how the message of Jesus is communicated.
It is often communicated in a negative way, how to avoid God’s wrath.
The angels announced “good news of great joy for all people” (Luke 2:10).
Jesus announced good news for the poor, prisoners, the blind and oppressed (4:18).
So why does the message of Jesus more often sound like bad news?
God’s message through Jesus is about grace, not judgment.
Judgment is for those who reject God’s grace, who refuse God’s love.
The love and grace of God IS a great treasure, a valuable pearl.
Do I treasure it, do I value it, am I doing what it takes to hold on to it?
What sacrifice would I make to know and share this good news of great joy?
Lord Jesus, you ARE good news, your love is a treasure of great value. Help me to continue holding and sharing this treasure, so that more people can find joy in you!