The power of the small and weak!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 13:31-58

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed… like yeast.” (Matthew 13:31-32)
Jesus compares himself and his message to some extremely small things.
The mustard seed and yeast represent something weak and unimpressive.
This is how people felt about Jesus – not the messiah they expected!
But the meekness and gracious kindness of Jesus is his superpower.
We’ve been blinded by the strength of might and money and numbers.
We’re impressed by big talkers and big doers, big buildings, big programs.
The Jesus Way is the little way, it seems weak and insignificant.
Yet like the mustard seed and yeast, its impact is huge!
Compassion, grace, patience, love, forgiveness – these are our superpowers.
God backs these seemingly insignificant ways with divine power.
Where love is at work like this, the birds of the air find a safe perch.
The whole lump of this dying world is energized by divine life.
Never underestimate the power of the Jesus Way to change the world.
Join with Jesus in expanding and influencing the world in the Jesus Way!
Lord Jesus, our world is currently focused on the big talkers and big doers. But what they say and do is not your way, your kind of power. Help me to follow you in your way of humility and grace.

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