The result Jesus is looking for!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The seed sown along the path… the seed falling on rocky ground, the seed falling among the thorns… the seed falling on good soil.” (Matthew 13:19-23)
What strikes me about this is the 3/4 failure rate.
When Jesus spoke, only 1/4 of his audience actually understood his message?
Also interesting, 3/4 of the people seemed to understand it at first.
But after a short time, 2/3 of them did not do anything with it.
Imagine a typical church listening to a message.
Can we assume that 3/4 of the audience will accept the message?
But then a few days later, most of them will forget what they heard.
If not even Jesus had better results, will anyone else?
There are different responses to the message of Jesus.
The one that Jesus wants is the one that produces a crop.
Receiving it with joy is not enough, nor is shallow acceptance.
The message needs to take root and produce something good in the soil.
What is my soil producing with Jesus’s message in my life?
Lord Jesus, you want results. You want to see a harvest of actual goodness and love in me, in your church. Is your message being fruitful in my life, is my harvest growing?

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