What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” (Matthew 12:8)
We were created to live in and enjoy God’s creation blessing and rest.
This does not mean ‘not working’, but living life in the rest and joy of God.
The Sabbath day was intended as a symbol, pointing to that rest and joy.
The religious leaders had turned it into a burdensome yoke.
They did the same with the temple and sacrifices – symbols of grace became ritual duties.
These things represent what God wants FOR us, not what He wants FROM us.
Jesus came as Lord of the sabbath to restore us to full life with, like and for God!
Not just one day in seven, but a life lived in love, joy and peace WITH God.
How do you experience your faith life and spiritual practices?
Are church fellowship, bible reading, prayer, giving, serving, etc, a blessing to you?
They can only be a blessing if we are in relationship with the Lord behind them.
As a Jesus follower, I want to know the Lord of the sabbath, not just the symbol.
As we come to Jesus, He gives us rest – what the Sabbath was pointing (Matthew 11:28).
Lord Jesus, if joy or peace or mercy are missing from my faith life, I am missing out on the ‘something greater’ You desire for me. Fill me with the fruit of Your Presence in my life!