What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it;
if it is not, let your peace return to you.”
The greeting word used then (and now) was shalom.
The word is a blessing of peace, wholeness, well-being.
Jesus says that some people will be worthy, and others not.
The way to know if a person was worthy was how they were received.
A warm welcome and offer of hospitality meant a worthy home.
They did not just people before they blessed them.
They blessed them, and waited to see the response.
This is how we as Jesus followers are to relate to others too.
Don’t pre-judge by who they are, how they look, what they think.
If someone does not welcome your peace, don’t push or fight it.
Don’t take anything from them, not even their dust; let them be.
Leave them to their own path, and let them find out where it leads.
For your part, keep extending peace to everyone else… spread the peace!
Lord Jesus, you are not sending me to judge others but to spread the peace to any that will receive it. Make me a channel of your peace, and leave the judging to you!